Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Mahathir : Ian Chin’s Great Revelation


Mahathir said Ian Chin absconded from the "Tata Negara" course he attended because persumably he didn't like to wash his dirty dishes. Now it seems he doesn't mind washing his dirty linen in public. What about the Police report on him concealing certain facts of a Court case? I urge Mahathir to respond aggressively to these theatrics and publish to the public all the facts available so that we can all make a fairer conclusion as to where matters stand. 

I don't know Ian Chin and I don't know his motive for making such serious allegations long after the event. I used to meet Zaid Ibrahim at the Saujana Golf Resort maybe 20 years ago, but doubt he'll remember. Between the two and their recent public utterances, I suspect whatever their intentions are, they are not honourable ones.

I'm not a lawyer, but my youngest daughter is a final-year law student who often talks to me about her studies. I'm given the impression that Judges are not supposed to make public statements lest they get embroiled in public controversy. She says this convention is very strictly adhered to in England. I think Chin would have been better advised to have resisted whatever demons were in his head, or whatever devils were in his company, and not make his scandulous statement. Now that Mahathir had upped the ante, I suggest Chin get good legal counsel (not the de facto Law Minister, for heavens sake) and come out and repudiate. I also suggest that he doesn't take another 11 years to do it.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

There appears to be a conductor to this orchestra. Someone or some people are getting everyone who has an axe to grind to attack TUN so that the people are distracted from the price hikes.