Sunday, June 15, 2008

RM1.4 billion handed over to Badawi, says M

Why stop at RM1.4 billion ? The whole country was handed over to Dollah Badawi ! Where is the country heading now ? Wisdom after the event says of all the unwise acts that Mahathir committed, none will ever top the choice of Dollah  as his successor. We should all of us regret the day. Almost 5 years have passed since, and with the latest turn of events, we're fast spiraling into deep shit. The actions, or more often than not the non-actions by the incumbent confused government boggles the mind for stupidity. To make things worse, the words coming out of the Ministers have been not only incoherent but absolutely valueless as model utterances that the young can pick up to learn about good language and "ministerial" behaviour. If they have nothing worthwhile to say they should all shut up and not make the rakyat more nauseated than they already are. Shouldn't we all be looking forward and improve our lot from today ? Instead our half-past-six government is busy spinning bullshit about past "wrongdoings" that will not bring back the dead.

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