Friday, June 13, 2008

rocky's bru: When?


rocky's bru: When? Follow Elvis Presley - "It's now or never..." It must be obvious to all of us, however thick some of us are, that this fellow is totally lost. In management there was once a popular theory that one gets promoted to his point of incompetence. This is a classic case. And because of his own predicament, this chap is the last person on this globe who will realise this. So we are all equally stupid to think and hope that he would willingly do the one right thing in the last 5 years that he can do - leave. In the meantime the poor bugger is wandering around pretending to be in charge and making increasingly idiotic decisions, or rather non-decisions, Regardless of our political belief, creed or religion, all of us must accept the undeniable fact that this man is a menace.If we love our stricken Malaysia as much as we all claim, we must do all we can to dump this guy. Obviously his rapidly deteriorating party is unable or unwilling to do it. Obviously the disorganized "opposition" parties by themselves can't do it. Obviously individually the rest of us can't do it. So we must all join together and do something to get rid of this miscreant. We can't believe this guy anymore, we know that already. We can't wait for Najib anymore, we know that also.

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