Yesterday I posted a letter to the VC of UiTM, taking exception to what happened Tuesday.
I attended a covocation at that university on Tuesday. Check that word "convoke". It's to call out, summon. What I saw was incredible. Graduands silently walking across the stage to silently take their certificates of graduation from the silent VC. No names are called, except if you receive a VCA. Only the names quickly scroll silently across on three giant screens above the stage. They don't always match the graduands underneath. My daughter comes under someone else's name, that's how I know.
I counted maybe 150 parents mostly, sitting with me inside the hall. That's because we came early (at least 90 minutes before the start of the "convocation") and stood in a line outside the hall entrance. The majority of the proud parents were seated outside in tents, but provided with giant tv screens. I doubt if "pride" came to their minds. What's happening here ? Why bother with the whole ceremony, with the parading of the fancifully attired academia behind the the three Malay warriors in leather shoes carrying symbolic keris and two wooden spears, with the accompaniment of the ancient "nobat", the graduands overdressed in their bulky gowns and motar-boards with tassles tossing, and later everyone solemnly standing to the Negaraku ?
Next time just post the damn scroll.
1 comment:
Salam Pak Zainal,
At the end of the day.... do we dare to question the quality of the graduates? hahahhaa....
Keep on writing pak zainal....
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