Sunday, October 4, 2009

Aman Shah.


Aman Shah Khalid is not to be confused with Aman Shah, the Malay pop singer who appeared for a short while in the 80's. The former was originally supposed to be from Seremban, the latter from Jelebu, though admittedly both are from the same state. The only similiarity is that both were handsome, when much younger, of course. 

I don't know what happened to the singer. I guess he has disappeared into the crowd somewhere. But if not for the rare and infrequent and strange messages that I get from the other Aman, I could also say the same thing about him - that he, too, has disappeared. No, no, I'm just joking ! 

Aman Shah is somewhere in Kayangan . Not "Kayangan"  paradise.  Perlis Indera Kayangan, that is. We first met when I joined Felda. He had already joined earlier, in 1968-69 (it's so long ago that I can't even pinpoint the year!). He was a flamboyant young officer driving, at that time, a flamboyantly fast Mini Cooper. There was something about a penchent for speed about Aman. When he changed his car it was for another speedster in those days -  a Datsun SSS. Compression ratio 10:1, whatever that meant. 

We used to join a few fellow office-mates for nights in the town before he fell for Salomi. This was when he was posted to a senior post in the north. As far as I can recall they have only one son who was given the nicely theatrical name  "Kelana". At that time I thought it was a fantastic original name. 

Through the years we would bump into each other once in a long while. 

Aman has moved on. He was the GM of Gula Perlis, but later took leave to resume post-graduate studies in England. He came back and had that legal tussle with Felda. He won his case and went on his own in KL, then moved back to Perlis where Salomi is from.  To-day it looks like it's Perlis for good. 

Whatever you do, Man, don't forget your roots. It's always "Somban", and I'm here still. Your old suffering pal. 


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