Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Dollah & Brother Anwar Bin Ibrahim in Hulu Langat.


I'm writing only a very brief note here because I promised one "Budak Boy" to post something tonight when in fact I'm in the middle of my preparations for my scheduled examinations this Saturday. Perhaps I'll return to the topic later. Well, what can you say except that these two were up to no good. 

The only common thing for the both of them is in fact Mahathir. Both served under him, for many years together, in fact. And while their fortunes took opposite turns, both have been amply screwed by him. So their one hour meeting in the madrasah of the ustaz once declared "sesat" by the Mufti of Selangor the Mahathir topic must have been raised, in which case the "sesat" Brother Anwar Bin Ibrahim must have found a sympathizer in the "sesat" Dollah, whose days, like B.A.B.I., are numbered. 

Having wrecked UMNO in 5 years, Dollah can share loads of ideas about putting UMNO out permanently. He has famously said that when leaving the PMship he won't embarass UMNO. Little does he realise , that is precisely what he has been doing these last five years. In fact that is the only thing that he has been doing successfully.

He can't appoint MBs properly. His Cabinet cannot make up its mind on anything. He even ask someone else to sort out the issue of the use of English in the teaching of Science and Mathematics, him, the PM. B.A.B.I. planned ascension to PMship was derailed by his unnatural sexual inclinations. Dollah, having arrived at the coveted spot, has been derailed by something worse, his inaptitude. We'll have to wait and see if Najib is up to the task. 

The spin is already put out by the mainstream media, drawing comparisons with his late father. I can assure you, Najib is no Tun Razak.


1 comment:

zack zeni said...

Wow....just finished reading comments by both, yourself and Mohd Sayuti Omar ( on the same matter. Seems to be the opposite view. Well, it's all about democracy and freedom of speech (and of course views).

BTW all the best for your exam...