Tuesday, March 24, 2009

My predictions on the UMNO GA.


Tuesday, 24th. March, 6.30 p.m. My fifth-form English teacher called me a smart-aleck. At that time I didn't know what that meant. I know now, and he was right then. So I'll be a smart-aleck and make my predictions on the results of the on-going UMNO elections. 

Let me start with saying that this morning I went to PWTC, hoping to get a sense of the impending event, the 1 year-delayed UMNO elections. I watched the large crowds, even though the proceedings only start this evening. I walked around the main concourse and around the vendors' area. I sat at the Seri Pacific Hotel lobby, watching the late delegates registering. In the meantime I got loaded with countless leaflets, a book, and all the major newspapers, free-of-charge, of course, courtesy of the scores of workers of either the Party and its candidates or the many enterprising business people swarming the place.

Then I spoke with a few of those hanging around who looked like they are delegates, hoping to pry a bit on the possible outcome for the voting. I was disappointed. The answers were "it depends" and "we'll have to see the situation". They were less than vocal. Is the situation fluid ? Are the reminders from all and sundry about the need to choose between race and money, survival or demise making an impact ? 

I saw several groups moving about together with jackets emboldened with their candidate's number, so obviously that was that. And Dollah's praise for Ali Rustam about being a good example, after in fact actually being a really bad one, is typical - uncalled, unfounded and unintelligent. 

I think the delegates have already made up their minds. Nothing that will be said between now and the voting will change their choice. I think this is it. If they pick the right people, those not involved in vote-buying, those who have shown leadership qualities, and those who haven't shied away from making critical comments when needed, then UMNO has a chance of repairing its damaged reputation. 

I think Muhyiddin will become Deputy President. I think Shafie Afdal, Rais Yatim and Hishamudin will be elected VP's. I think Rafidah will beat Sharizat. And I think Mukhriz will be the new Youth Leader.

Hishamudin leaves a lot to be desired, but the third VP must be picked. Many male UMNO members are unhappy with Rafidah, but Sharizat lost the GE and still was picked by Dollah to a ministerial-like post. 

KJ and KT have too many enemies. The 25 Supreme Council Members will be those aligned with Najib. You will know who they are. 

For the main opening, Dollah  will be received with the customary standing ovation. Then everyone will wait and wait and wait for some hidden pearls to come out of his speech. There will be none.
