Friday, 27th. March.
So, all the results are in. But is UMNO still in ?
As I had predicted, Muhyiddin won.
When he was MB Johor there were some issues with Mahathir regarding State-Federal matters, but Muhyiddin has learned from it, I think. A few GA's ago he went public about some efforts by some party members trying to derail him, and I think the National leadership put things right then. I thought Dollah preferred him over Najib, but Mahathir had cleverly shortcircuited that by preempting the dull-witted PM about Najib's appointment.
Since Mahathir went after Dollah openly after 2004, Muhyiddin slowly gravitated towards him, eventually backing the call for Dollah to take responsibility for the 2008 debacle, the senior-most Minister to do so ( probably the only one with the balls to do so), earning Dollah's wrath. That was why Dollah asked Zahid, then Ali and Mat Taib to go for the DP post and challange Muhyiddin.
I have only one thing against Hishamuddin, Najib's first cousin. I don't think he had the guts to play around with the UMNO keris. That was why, having unsheathed it in the closet of the Pemuda assembly, he lost his nerves when that was exposed to the public, and he put his tail between his legs and publicly asked for forgiveness from the entire country. Has he got the spine to be VP ? We'll see.
I picked Shafie from Sabah because UMNO must recognize Sabah's role in saving it in Parliament. Anyway, he's amply qualified.
I didn't pick Zahid because of his murky background. When he was Bagan Datoh's AJK tambahan in its Pemuda wing, he was with Amanah Saham MARA and part-time tutor with Anwar Ibrahim and Ruslan Kassim at Yayasan Anda. That was why when Anwar launched what was actually the anti-Mahathir KKN (Korupsi, Kroniisma, Nepotisma) campaign, Zahid was his alter-ego and mouth-piece. There was also the Kertam shares allegation of misappropriation. Mahathir twice saved his life, once through Mukhzani Mahathir and once through Najib. One was the avoidance of criminal action over the Kertam shares, the other over the ISA release.
And when Mahathir started to attack Dollah, Zahid, true to character,supported Dollah and attacked Mahathir. And in the case of Perak's constitutional crisis, what was Zahid's role as the Deputy State Liason Chairman? Who is to say that if the cross-over was not overzealously and prematurely publicised, and the cat not let out of the bag for the sake of claiming quick credit for a "clever" coup, the Pakatan government would not have been caught on the wrong foot ?
I think UMNO delegates were wrong not to choose Rais for VP. Rais has never been one to shy away from what he believes, even if the belief could hurt him politically. That explains why he burned his bridge, why he chose Isa Samad over Yazid Baba, why he spoke for Mahathir when Dollah asked Mahathir to shut up, and why he made the stupid remarks about teenagers having to get their parents official permission when leaving the house. At least Rais is brave enough to show some integrity.
The Supreme Council lineup is interesting. There are some good people there. Dr. Norraesah belongs there. Do they know what it takes to study at Sorbonne ? Unfortunately she's the only rose among the thorns. Mustapa deserves the top vote. Put him back in Finance where he belongs. The MB's club's dismal showing is no surprise. Too many of them run their states as if they are private property. They forget this is about divisional support, and that MB's are only the first among equals. The losses suffered by Ministers are unheard of before this. Incumbents hold largesse and, in the past, attract support like bees to honey. Something's not right here. Perhaps Najib should start over. Perhaps Sharir is finally doing something right at last by resigning. It's a good example to follow, but then they say there's no honour amongst thieves.
Najib & Muhyiddin should waste no time in the make-over of UMNO. The following list might help:
(1) Choose only uncorrupted leaders. Complete the Disciplinary Board deliberations with a clear time frame. Change the members if necessary - those who are impaired by old age should be replaced.
(2)Visit one division per month, to listen, not to give instructions.This is top priority. Cabinet meetings, official ceremonies etc. take second billing.
(3)Review the MB's office bearers. The State Liason Committe is supposed to meet regularly. Check on this.
(4)Set up an Advisory Board to give feedback to the President. Put MUBARAK and the Veterans Association in it. This is to listen to comments of past legislators, and old UMNO members.
(5) Change immediately the voting system. The Pemuda case showed that delegates are still open to corruption no matter how often and how loud the admonition made against it. How can UMNO allow itself to be guided by 0.07 % of its members ! Whatever you want to call it, that is certainly not democracy.
Good luck to Najib & Muhyiddin. You are surrounded by ordinary human beings with ordinary human foibles. Think with your heads, feel with your hearts, and seek guidance from the Creator, not solace from the hippocrites.
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