Yesterday I came to the club early for the fixed 4-ball, only to be told by the counter clerk that I'm suspended for a week, starting that very day. I said I've not been informed, by letter or 'phone.
I called the other 3 and told them. In their eagerness to not miss their game, 2 other golfers were contacted, separately. Now they have 1 extra. I don't know what happened after that.
The club called me for a hearing about this member's complain against me on 7 September. He alleged that I punched him, and he fell, at the cleaning area. At the hearing this fellow went berserk and said I must be stopped or I might kill him. He said I have a bad repuation at the club. He said he doesn't know me, and I'm no friend. He called me a "samseng" in front of the panel, and I pointed this out to the panel. He turned to me at one point and said "I can punch you". "Punch and see what happens" was my reply, looking straight at his face. We were seated together facing the panel.
I'd given my written reply to the show-cause letter the same day I received it by mail. I denied the punching. I said I was only joking when pulling the air hose. We know each other. We have played together. I've joked with him before. The air hose thing was nothing but a joke.
I said at the hearing that only in cowboy movies you punch somebody in the face and that guy falls. This was because he said he was punched once, and he fell. Even his glasses didn't fly off.
Jane came as the only witness that day. We never discussed the case before this appearance, it was all up to her. I was disappointed. I heard her on the day of the incident calling out "he's only joking lah". This time she didn't say this. Instead she was trying to sound motherly at the hearing, and said she tried to dissuade us from continuing whatever we were doing. I've been playing with her regularly for the past 24 years. She knows the type of person I am. The fact that my accuser is Chinese was a factor in her testimony, I feel.
The 7-day suspension surprised me. I thought they would bring it to the main committee first for a decision. Datuk Azhar said I should be informed first. They say I've 14 days to appeal. When the panel had the chance to find out what actually happened, they were busy reading out the clause on infringement, the chairman repeatedly saying that this is all unpleasant business. One member kept asking "who got to the air hose first ?", after I'd repeatedly said this guy had finished using it (at least this one Jane corroborated), but suddenly turned back for it, and I was already reaching for it, so we clashed. Otherwise the whole thing wouldn't have taken place.
Next time I'll really punch this idiot. Only I'll make sure it's outside the club.
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