Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Grab cab.

 Wed 11.5.2022

Yesterday I got hold of Jimikoling in his Grab cab to go to KL. It was to Lake Club in the Lake Gardens, KL.  I told him to come not later than 9 a.m. He came at 8.45 a.m.

I sold the old jalopy just before Raya. The car runs great. The only problem is the computerised apps in use. The last few months I had to take it to the workshop many times, because the remote lock didn't work, and the dashboard panel kept sending warning signals about this and that, and most seriously about the airmatic suspension. But the mechanic couldn't find the fault, suggesting the car be dismantled by a computer man and the sensors checked. That's too much work for me. So I told Sam and Jimikoling to find a buyer for me. Both agreed, but Jimikoling came back first with a potential buyer. I sold it to him, and told Sam about it. It escaped me at that time that I could replace the suspension to the standard one, and remove that airmatic headache. I would have kept the car with that.

I didn't tell Hank I have no car now, when I agreed to take him for our Lake Club appointment.  So when we drove up to him, we surprised him, sitting on the monsoon-drain cover at Mydin's,  looking towards the road, clearly trying to spot my old jalopy, which he knows.

Nawawi had included me as a sub-committee member for our OPA Raya gathering at ATM on 24.5.22. Everyone was suppposed to be at the club before 12 that morning. Jimikoling's waze app said 1 hour 10 minutes to destination, it was 10, so we stopped at the Seremban R&R for waffles. Hank paid.  We made it to the club at half-past eleven.

I had planned all along to get Jimikoling's Grab cab. He's a cousin who's actually staying in Kuala Pilah, about 30 km away. I figured the whole thing, plus the return journey, would cost me 150. I didn't ask Jimikoling about his charge. When we reached home abou 4.30 p.m. I just gave him a 100 ringgit note. Earlier I had given him RM 50 for lunch, when he dropped us off on arrival. He just took my 100 note and nodded acceptence.

I had calculated how much my own car had cost me to own and run. This includes capital cost and full maintenance costs. I'd kept every single bill from the beginning. RM 1,500 a month. That's what it cost me. A hired car now appears to cost RM 150 for about 160 km over 7 hours. I could take 10 trips like yesterday to equal my ownership costs. Meaning, I don't have to keep a car now.

We passed by the orphange on our way to KP last night, to visit Yamtik, who had a bad fall that morning. Lined up on the roadside opposite the hostel, half-blocking the already narrow road, were several SUV's and a bus belonging to the orphange. Obviously money has not been a problem for them. I know many Malaysians are generous towards these set-ups. I told Fuad this is a good example of wastage. How many trips and for how long each has the orphange used their many vehicles ? Drivers have to be employed, with medical and payroll to maintain. Vehicles need regular maintenance. Road tax and insurance covers are not cheap. If you hire a bus for a day-trip, you only pay for that piece of work. Your own fleet's costs are for 365 days a year.

So my Grab cab approach seems sound. And Jimikoling is a cousin. I could cut corners on rent here.


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