Sunday, May 29, 2022

Raya round-up 2022.

 Mon 30.5.2022

You know this is round-up week for Raya 2022 when your niece invites you to attend her tahlil before leaving for the hajj. Syawal in fact has only a few days left. But that has not stopped the ex FMC 1961 intake group from organizing its Raya gathering on 5.6.22, which would be on 5th of Zulkaedah, the month before the hajj month of Zulhijjah. Incidently the niece and husband are both around 32. I told them they have roundly beaten me to the hajj. I was 3 months short of 39 when I did mine. But that was before they were even born!. 

After a hurried meal, I left them to go to another Raya gathering in Seremban. This was the Bersatu Seremban Division's Raya at their Seremban hq. I thought it'd be in the office meeting room. Instead they had cordonned off the parking space in front of the office entrance. Traffic would have to avoid this route out of the office block, but this was Sunday. Anyway our Bersatu office is at the end of the block and traffic need not go there at all.

I didn't stay till the end, because Din Pendek wanted to come to the house with the Sarawak pengantin. But I stayed long enough to meet several members of the Seremban Division. The Disional Head, Fazly was there to greet me, and we sat together and part-take the sumptous food and drinks prepared. "Gotong-royong preparing the lemang last night" Fazly said. I took leave when our PAS guests arrived. Fazly had intimated even before Covid 19 lockdown that he's courting PAS support for GE 15. I'd told the Division Secretary my reservations about PAS, but have not mentioned it to Fazly. His keeness is more personal than anything else. Of course this cannot be dismissed in GE 15. I predict no single party would win power alone.

It has been a busy fortnight, what with Raya, and that Sarawak wedding. The world hasn't stopped because of Eid. We in Malaysia, of course, took full advantage of this Raya this time, after 2 years of confinement. The financial assisstance and the release of 10 K from EPF helped make this Raya really fully celebrated. The pasar Ramadans were choked. The roads were choked. The prayer halls were choked. The "open houses" and organized Raya parties were fully attended. Everybody seemed to want to make up for the 2-year absence.

The politics, international and domestic, too, didn't pause because of Ramadan and Eid. If anything, there has been palpable intensity. UMNO and PKR had to go through their RoC dictated AGM's. UMNO was threatened a second disqualification (1987 the first one) if the 18-month postponement is further extended, and that put paid to the oft-repeated threat of pull-out from government and early GE 15. PKR saw a new Deputy President, the mecurial Rafizi, who has all along belittled Mahathir, and talks of going it solo for GE 15. If PKR does this, my guess is PKR will lose out.

I spoke to Fazly about the need for Bersatu to get to the voters right away. We have at most 1 year before we go to the polls. I follow the recent state elections and the numerous arguments on whatsapp, and my own figures and experience say Bersatu has to get the message that the voters want, and not be distracted by internal organizational friction. Bersatu has to hit Najib. Zahid, Isa and the other UMNO national figures hard, now! The real implication from the 1MDB disaster must be painted clear to the Malays in the kampongs. 

The Russo-Ukraine war drags on. The dominanting rethoric, unfortunately, is American. I've read several different versions of the war, and have passed them on to my various whatsapp groups. Some have responded positively. A few have done the opposite. One unlikely source even asked me to cease and desist. I mean the smartphone as a means of messaging the world at your fingertips has revolutionised information, fake or otherwise. The intelligent guy at the end of the line is supposed to do his homework and decide for himself. But to stop messaging entirely ? You might as well chuck your gadget and watch cartoons!.

The one point I'd like to make here is, get to the history of Russia and the rest of the West, this including USA. Look at the Middle East and South East Asia and the role of USA in  Palestine, its illegal wars in that region, in Afghanistan and Vietnam.  Definitely Russia cannot take the sole position of the accused in illegal warfare and crimes of war.

Puny Malaysia has for many years defiantly called USA out with regard to Palestine, and the world knows it. Mahathir is the indentified voice of condemnation the USA hates, thus the secret funding for all his Malaysian political opponents. (As they say now, do the forensic accounting and prove me wrong!) And I'm proud that we have at least one voice objecting to the anti-China role of the new group Biden had summarily cast for the Asian region to swallow hook-line-and-sinker!. All the  Asian nations have apparently put their signatures to that Biden proposal. I know what China can do. I hope China remembers Mahathir's call in Japan.

Let's not spoil the few days of Syawal remaining. Let's pray that next year, Eid would not be less merry.


Saturday, May 28, 2022

Yet another family Raya 2022.

 Sun 29.5.2022

This time it was a 2-hour drive from Seremban to Antara Gapi. Most of the time it was being stuck in bad traffic - on the way to KL, and on the way to Serendah. But we managed to make the deadline set. We were only beaten by Faiz and No 2 Son. No 2 Son is in Subang Jaya, but he rode his Kawasaki 900, so time not a factor there. Faiz, Conen's No 1 Son, is in Kelana Jaya, but must have driven out early. Except for Riduan Jusoh, I only saw family. "The association" was Conen's answer when I asked for the connection of his visit, referring to the former Felda employees' association. 

We came at about 12, and reached back in Seremban just as the Magrib prayer call was heard from somewhere. The last to leave Conen's house must have been Din Pendek, because he was, as usual, the last to come. "Slow and steady" I said to Conen when he sighed loudly "finally !" on seeing Din arriving. The "Pengantin" from Sarawak also came with him, together with most of the siblings.

Antara Gapi is the latest of the real estates bought by Conen a few years after marrying Umi. They were in Selayang for a while before that. It seems a nice enough place to retire in, with Serendah and Batang Kali the 2 nearest towns. The house looks a bit strange, though. It's a double-storey bungalow with plenty of space at the back that's now wooded with  planted plants that have grown and give plenty of cool shade, and even hides the large cat-house. The "kilang" neighbour at the back sends "kilang" sounds that are not too audible, unless you walk up to right at the back. Strange because the second floor doesn't match the size of the ground floor, with one large room and two small ones with one separate small bathroom. But for 2 occupants, there's plenty of room, of course.

Riduan and I talked old times for the duration of his visit. I last met him 32 years ago ! His appearance hasn't changed except for the grey hair. He was the MD's, Hj. Nasir's right-hand man, dealing with the board papers and similiar stuff. Hj. Nasir tried to pull me in for this paper work, trying to get one board paper done. I wrote it my style, brief and to the point. It filled half-a-page. It was the first and last piece that I got from him.

Faiz didn't come over to me until I called him. When my other brothers, Mash and Calit, and my sisters Dekma and Yamtik came he was warm enough with them, so that's ok then.  I was the witness to both his marriages, first in Kedah and the second one in Kelana Jaya.

Fikri came later, apparently without his mother's knowledge. He was different. We were at the back and we spoke at length, together with Jaws. We even spoke about his plan to marry his girlfriend from Surabaya. She's Roman Catholic. So there's an issue here. I called Dekna, and she said Fikri can't marry her in Malaysia without conversion.

This was another family Raya, interrupted by Covid 19 for 2 years. There was  much catching-up, and plenty to eat and drink, so much in fact that Umi passed a heavy paper bag of some food to take home. She also slipped some money (much bigger than most tips, by the way) to both me and Idah, so that was nice. They said they'll come to Seremban later. I wonder if they expect reciprocity. Monetarily, that is.


Thursday, May 26, 2022

Ex FMC KL Raya 2022.

This time it was the Ex FMC Raya do in KL.

At first it was the "BB" from PD only. That meant those Old Putra "Budak Boys" who enrolled in Federation Military College in Port Dickson. That meant those who enrolled up to 1961 only. (From April 1961 FMC moved to the first new campus at Sg. Besi, and was renamed Royal Military College. Since then the college has again moved to the second Sg. Besi campus, just next to the old one).  Later the committee decided to include BB 1964, reasoning that the 1961 intake lasted until 1964 in Upper 6. The event was also finally fixed at 26th May, instead of 2 previous other dates proposed. The Army owners, of course, have priority on the use of the hall.

The committee formed to organize this Raya celebration met several times, and even had a "dry run" one day before the eventual  day, that turned into a "wet run". KL (and Seremban, too) had a very heavy downpour that changed everybody's plans. In short the committee worked very hard at making this Raya gathering a success, and didn't allow the quirks of nature to interfere. And I think the objective was achieved, even if right in the middle of the feast the elecrical power supply for the grand hall of this grand building on top of the grand hill belonging to the grand Malaysian Armed Forces was lost. For the rest of the day we had to contend with some sort of secondary supply, but fortunately, or perhaps miraculously, the air-conditioning remained intact throughout. (Whenever the electrical power to my humble house gets interrupted, which is too often, one phone call to TNB would get it remedied within 2 hours, each time and every  time.)

We had expected 250 people, but this wasn't achieved, because there were still name tags left at the reception. The 15-sheet attendance forms I brought were also largely unsigned. But there were no seats vacant where Gen. Borhan's book launch pre-Raya feast was held in the foyer. This was, of course, not for 250. But all tables were occupied in the main hall later. When I eventually joined the eating, I had to park myself in the first chair I saw vacant, but the table said "1964". I'm "1961". The tables were according to years of intake. Fortunately, Shamsul Qamar was already sitting there, and he's 1961, too. So Shamsul also didn't "follow procedure". Bad boy !

Hank and I were put in charge of "reception & donation". I brought my cousin Jimi, firstly because I needed his Grab ride, but secondly to help man the tables. He did. Nawi must have observed it. Before we left, he approached me and asked if we should give him some "ang pow". "Why not ?" I said. Jimi got his ang pow. And later his fare, too (burp!).

This being an old-school thing, it wasn't surprising that there were many walking sticks and young assistants in sight, as the BB's entered the reception hall. There was even a wheelchair-bound BB. But all BB's, able or not so able, were in good spirits. Coming from the college, there were all kinds of success stories here, from the armed forces, the civil service, the professions and the corporate world. The fact they all came in spite of the traffic (it was a working day), the weather (it was drizzling, and when it rains heavily in KL, choose your route well, or else !) and the special transport requirements (many were driven instead of driving) was testement to that. There were loud howls of joy of recognition for so many who have obviously not met each other for so long. And the darkened hall and the too loud, live music (Spider complained about this) didn't seem to hamper the lively, simultaneous talking at the tables. I don't think they got every word uttered, but these were just sounds amidst happy recognition of  old friends of those youthful years reunited, much yearned, now much appreciated in nostalgia. And always hanging over the mind, the unanswerable question "how many more years ?".

We were among the last to leave. We made it back to Seremban by 6.30 p.m. We had stopped at the Serdang R&R and Hank had his late Asr prayers there. I did mine in the surau at the dewan itself. All three of us had lempengs and hot drinks. In the car, I kept on the chatter with Jimi. Hank was very quiet at the back until we reached his car left parked at Mydin S2 and asked for his other kain samping. He had obeyed ND's  instruction to wear  baju Melayu. He did more. He brought a spare kain samping. He had wanted me to do the same, but I said I preferred baju batik & songkok. We'd wanted to beat everybody arriving first at the dewan, that's why I said we should leave Seremban not later than 8, and we did that. But 2 expected things happened. One, the heavy traffic. Jimmi used his experience. We managed to survive parts of the choked MRR2 and entered MINDEF via Datok Keramat, which was the "back way". Two, only Halim could beat us to the 15 minutes to 10 arrival time. He did, and then some. He was already going through his address notes at the General Borhan's book launch corner.

I'd spoken to a few BB's about that Janda Baik case involving Hank's G college mate, Zainal Abidin, from Taiping. We all felt genuine despair because in Malaysia certain drug offences carry the death penalty. The singer, Yasin, is being charged for having one potted ganja plant. They say he's in deep shit. Zainal was caught planting 102 ganja plants on his Janda Baik  land.

I'd posted a brief on that Janda Baik case on one of the BB's whatsapp groups. I got positive response almost immediately. Most welcome was the one from Jagjit (Rosmah's counsel) who offered legal aid pro bono ! I sms'd Hank when he didn't reply my call. That message he replied, but it was disappointing. He was the one who  told me about this case, in the first place. I'd seen it on the internet before that, but no names were given. I know Zainal by sight, even in college days, but different company boys didn't mix as much as in the same company. Hank was in the same company, and Zainal was only 1 year senior. Nevertheless I immediately felt the pain the family must have felt. On seeing Jagjit's offer, in writing, it was natural that I got back to Hank, hoping he could somehow pass this offer note to Zainal's family - he's in custody. I share the grief. That's why when Hank went to HTJ in the middle of the night because of chest pains, I posted the news in our BB "Form 5 1962" whatsapp group to alert our other BB friends. I immediately saw the positive response from many, and was happy that Hank received them well. I'm sure it brought psychological comfort to him. He didn't know that I started the whole thing. I didn't want any publicity. It was a sincere thing from one very old friend to another. That is the spirit when I talk about Zainal now. Hank now says we shouldn't interfere. But we must interfere. To help a friend in need. We're talking life-and-death here !

FMC days were 6 decades ago. But for me, those school years, including those in even earlier schools, carry cherished memories I'll cling to as long as I can.


Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Ex Felda Seremban Raya, 2022.

 Tues 24.5.22

I saw the posting on that particular group "Warga PBKF Seremban". Initially I thought I'd miss this one because of another similiar affair I'd confirmed earlier, but this is now postponed to 26/5, so I made it. In fact I was the first guest arriving at 9.05 (the invitation was 9-12.30). The others already milling around all wore small flowers on their bajus - committee members.

The last one we had was, of course, pre-pandemic, 2 years ago. This time they only managed to get this small dewan at Gedung Lalang. Others were all tied up. So a few extra tents were put up to allow for possible overspill. I didn't stay to the end, but looking at the crowd in the dewan proper when I left, I think these were fully utilised. I don't know how many more of these I'll be part of.

I left "Felda Proper" 32 years ago. It wasn't surprising that most of the faces were unrecognizable. The ravages of time didn't help. To make it worse, many still abided by the s.o.p. (trust law-abiding Felda staff) and had masks on. But a few were quickly recognized, and we greeted each other warmly. I was with Salleh and Wahid from the old Seremban office for most of my stay. Both didn't look much different in spite of the years.  But Aman Shah, who was a scheme manager from one of the Jelais, was distinctly old-looking. "75" he said when I asked "how old are you?". He has lost weight. He must have had some health issues. I didn't ask, and we didn't linger.

Rusdi came to sit with me. He said he just sold his house in Carcosa S 2 to Eddin, the Deputy Minister from KP. It was through an agent, because he only found out the real buyer later. Without asking he said it was twice the price he paid for it at 700 K. I told Rusdi, Sith, Eddin's late father, was my classmate until Form 3 at TMS.

Kamaruzzaman, Khairuddin and Mohd. Nor also came by. Ismail Hassan's name was on the list, but Kamaruzzaan said he's not coming. "Not feeling well" he explained. Nursiah Sulaiman, the new PBKF President also came to my table. "Your son often comes by" she said. No 2 Son has been close to Subakri since we were in Damansara Utama. They went to the same school, and through the years have maintained contact to this day, including through their ol' folk soccer. "You look well - for your age" I said to Nursiah. It was meant to be a compliment, and she took it in the same spirit. We never worked in the same department in my 10-year "Felda Proper" years. She was a junior, but she knows how difficult I was, because she commented about it just now. It was said in good spirits, and I took it likewise.

The reason I left the party early was because I wanted to take Fadil to my house.

When he came to the table, wearing his mask, he recognized me immediately. I wasn't wearing mine. I couldn't recognize him, until he took it down, and said his name. But he looks different, I said. Maybe it's the glasses plus the white moustache and whiter goatee.

Fadil and one Safar (now a retired University lecturer) were brought by my late cousin from Butterworth, Mahmud, when they were all still in their fifth forms, all the way to Bukit Temensu. We were all still staying in our grandmother's house there. I was at RMC then. When I worked in Felda, I met Fadil again when I went to Lubok Merbau, Kedah. Later he was posted to Palong, NS. Then I might have met him once, after that, because I checked just now and found his number in my handphone, whose records have never been changed in spite of the many phone changes.

I told Rusdi that I sold my first house in PJ, a few years after I moved to Seremban. Just before Raya I sold one of my cars. A few years ago I transferred my Seremban house to my daughter. I said I don't need the house and the car anymore. We have to come to terms with our time on this earth. Just a simple statement here, and Rusdi concurred.

Conen called to remind me about his "Rayo Kogo" this Saturday. I said I've been informed. I should be there. Just tell Umi the Somban people may expect some Raya money. Dekna is attending some extended meeting of their legal department, and like everything else, these things can stretch forever. So Idah cautioned that Dekna may not be up to the long driving then. But there are other alternatives. These family get-to-gethers should not be missed. Not at my age.  


Saturday, May 21, 2022

Yet another close relative's kenduri.

 Sun 22.5.2022

Just came back on the first plane out of still dark Kuching this morning. It was yet another close relative's wedding. Where the last time it was about 100 km away, return, this time it was for ten times that distance - 1,000 km - and counting one way only! Fitri, my brother Dr. Din's, only son, decided he wanted to have a Sarawakian wife. For years we had teased him about hitching it with another relative of ours of about his age, but to no avail. Now we know why.

The other uncles and aunties must have demurred from taking up respective duties for the required ceremony. But Din and wife came to the house much earlier, requesting my presence as the eldest first uncle. How could I refuse ?

Fitri said he had booked air-tickets for 19 - 24 May for all of us. I agreed, because I had nothing on my diary when they came to the house. Unfortunately, my old Old Putra Association then decided to have the Hari Raya do, not done for 2 years because of the pandemic, at first on Tuesday 24th. That meant I had to return latest Monday 23rd.  I decided to come back on Sunday 22nd. This meant Fitri's booking had to be amended. I told him immediately, and that was about 10 days ago. For reasons known only to him, he didn't do anything for one whole week, and instead of telling me what the problem was, asked his mother to speak to me. She called, suggesting any one of my children could make the booking changes.  I told her, sure, but why did Fitri keep quiet for one week ? I said the reason why I asked Fitri to make the changes was because he made the original booking, and he could get back to the agent for the changes. So I got No. 2 Son to buy the return tickets from Kuching to KL, assuming the KL-Kuching part remains unchanged. A couple of days before D-Day 19/5, Din, my brother's S.I.L. called and said my flight for KL-Kuching had been cancelled together with the Kuching-KL part ! What was I going to do with the return tickets I'd bought ? Never mind, Din said, I'm also going to Kuching, too, and I'll buy your ticket.  That's how we got to go eventually. And it was a good thing that I went, because there was only Ajit who also came, out of the 9 of us siblings.

Compared to many Malay wedding receptions I'd attended here on the Penisula, this Sarawakian affair was smooth and respectible. The sitting down affair was punctual and proper. Everybody, and I mean everybody, came well-dressed.  Often I see guests here coming in very casual, untidy clothes. And whole thing was over within the 2-hour alloted period, and did not lack the rites and speeches normally provided for in these Malay receptions.  There was the rice-feeding ceremony between the wedded couple not seen in the Peninsula, on top of the du'a and the well-received speech by the bride's sister. Here the buffet-style luncheon would drag forever. I couldn't catch what was said, because of the Sarawakian tongue delivered with  speed, but the crowd laughed and applauded. Later I called her and asked what she said that tickled everyone. She explained, she had said "and after this, maybe it's my turn to get married".  I laughed out loud and applauded.

My only reservation was a personal one, and it appeared that I was the only one afflicted. The cooking was said to be typical Sarawakian. I have to learn to acquire the taste. For one thing, it's like Kelantanese - they put sugar into everything.

The day earlier the marriage ceremony was held at the bride's house. They had set up a nice arrangement, with a raised dias for the couple, and table and chairs for the imam and the groom. Others were provided a few rows of chairs. The groom recited the ijab qabul in one shot and Pak Ngah the doctor, the groom's uncle-in-law, shot quickly "sah !". I was the other witness and wanted the groom to repeat it, just to let him feel a bit jittery, but Pak Ngah beat me to it !

We were housed in 2 "homestays" that were some distance apart. Mine was a bit further but still within the "Taman Guru". For transportation, Din borrowed a car from one of his friends staying nearby. Din also bought some supplies, but the main meals were provided by the bride's family, so that department was ok. Only, I had my spate of bad appetite just then, but some mee koloks, apples and bread and peanut butter covered for it for the 2  days I was there. The house itself was fully furnished, with 100% airconditioning. I never found out how much it cost the hosts. There were 3 bedrooms, a fully equipped kitchen and bath room, a separate toilet, and a living-cum-dining area.

The flight from KL and the return took 1hour 30 minutes each way. But the car took 1 hour from the airport to the homestay. And that because the Grab driver took a number of detours, going around several really large roundabouts.  I was in Kuching before, the last one when accompanying Mizi to a golf tournament maybe 6-7 years ago, and don't remember very bad traffic. This time, after landing at about 3.30 pm, the taxi took us on to the road to Taman Guru at about 4.30 smack into the office workers returning home. Din, my brother, sent us to the airport at 2.30 a.m. Sunday 22nd, to catch the first flight out of Kuching at 5.30. I wanted to make sure no 1-hour trip would delay us. But without office workers, the trip only took 30 minutes. That meant a dark and empty-of-passengers Kuching International Airport greeted us at the unearthly hour of  3 in the wee hours of a Sunday morning. But the worse part was, no outlets were open. The only food we could lay our hands on was in  flight, about 20,000 feet in the air ! Luckily, this was a MAS flight. Breakfast was included in the ticket. When we came on Thursday. it was on Air Asia. We had food. We had nasi lemak Nasser.  But that was pre-ordered and had to be paid for.

In the earlier mix-up about air tickets, I had to call No 2 son to get our return tickets. This was because he has flown all over the world, and getting the tickets at short notice shouldn't be any problem. But I didn't expect a 5-o'clock flight out of Kuching. Even if he got us a 10 p.m. flight back, it would have been ok, because we'd be home, and the various alternatives for getting home from the airport should be a cinch.

Jimikoling's services had to be summoned for the airport trip to Kuching on Thursday. I said to come not later than 10 am. The flight was for 1.15. I didn't want delays before reaching the airport to irritate me. He came at 9.45. Again Jimikoling proved his punctuality, which is great, because I'm planning to use his services many more times before this month is out. The only question is, what's he going to charge me by. The official Grab rate, or his own? This time, when I asked him as we slowed down at the departure gates, he said "200". "Your father's head !" was my reply. We settled for 80. I'd expected 100. But as we approached KLIA2, there was a call on his Grab site for service. That meant even before finishing this trip, the return one was already filled. That's how this service maximise the mileage. "Be free on 26th" was my last booking before Jimikoling left us at the airport departure entrance.


Sunday, May 15, 2022

Ikhwan's kenduri.

 Mon 16.5.2022.

Ikhwan is properly spelt different, is also called different : "Bod". Ikhwan in Arabic is "friend". "Eikhwan" as registered by Baharin, his father, doesn't mean anything, but of course means everything to his family. "Bod" comes from a mispronounced "boy", the simple handle lovingly given by Baharin and wife Zuraidah, both now gone, may their souls rest in peace. Zuraidah's mother was the eldest of Cikgu Ujang's children, of which Idah, my wife of 50+ years is one. That's the connection. This, on Saturday, was Faris', Ikhwan's eldest son's, wedding.

As Malay weddings go, it was a close family affair, with a very selected few close associates included. The pandemic and actual planning got this date close to the recent Eid, which was ok. Ikhwan had planned to have it in Bangi, because of the central location. He changed his mind and chose this wedding place in Kota Damansara. Closer to the house, but further from the rest. But the attendance of the Singapore cousins made the others shut up from comparing journeys undertaken. But they were "journeys" indeed. The Plus traffic was worse than expected. I mean, it was real bad. Fortunately, we left at 9 a.m., were the first to arrive, and did not experience the terrible jam later.

Villa Rimba Flora at Kota Damansara became recognizable to me by the time we arrived ahead of everybody, including the Ikhwan group, the host. Bangjat used to live around here, and Iman attended the school we passed by. The interior of the building was nice enough for the occassion. Any larger attendance would have been overcrowded. Even as it was, the air-conditioning was insufficient, probably because parts of the area were open.

All 4 kids made it, minus many of the grandchildren, which was a good decision I think. A more open and larger space would have made the little kids enjoy themselves more. Adik came late because he had to go to SEDAR first. Then he got caught in the traffic. Usually Bangjat would miss these, because of his and Adib's work schedules, so we were happy this was different. Ikhwan is in their generation.

Anim was the MC, probably self-appointed. But he's part of Ikhwan 4-member siblings, anyway.  He did a good job, as compere and singer simulteneously. And not a bad voice. Actually he had professional ambitions. He didn't have a karaoke set, though, or I would have offered a few of Broery's numbers.

Small though the place was, I'm told it wasn't cheap. The family-knit attendance could limit the collection, I thought, but there was one 4k envelope, and the relatives are not too badly off. Anyway, as a new CEO of a new undertaking (one board member also came - one of Tun M's son, no less) Ikhwan should take care of accounts. I introduced myself to Mirzan, and recounted the 90's when we attended the same monthly meeting of the haulage operators in Port Kelang. I doubt he remembered me.

All in all, everything went well, except for the "menyembah" ceremony. Ikhwan said he went to Cik Piei's house thrice. They went over it together. Cik Piei had also done this before. But somehow he abondoned the plan and went to call forth about 60 relatives, after reciting some bad "pantuns" (bad because many didn't even rhyme!). You only call about a dozen people, the "induks" from both sides, who would hand the couple some money in return for a "boko" usually of "penganan", as they are introduced to each other. Here, after a few of the 60 names were called, everybody started to eat from the domed sets on their tables. Obviously the whole bungled affair would take forever. Poor Cik Piei !

We reached home about 10 p.m. after a last minute Asr prayer at Bukit Aman mosque. It was also raining quite heavily. Traffic was very heavy, but not terrible.

I had to cancel the plan to go to USJ for that Raya visit, Sunday.  We all slept till noon.


Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Grab cab.

 Wed 11.5.2022

Yesterday I got hold of Jimikoling in his Grab cab to go to KL. It was to Lake Club in the Lake Gardens, KL.  I told him to come not later than 9 a.m. He came at 8.45 a.m.

I sold the old jalopy just before Raya. The car runs great. The only problem is the computerised apps in use. The last few months I had to take it to the workshop many times, because the remote lock didn't work, and the dashboard panel kept sending warning signals about this and that, and most seriously about the airmatic suspension. But the mechanic couldn't find the fault, suggesting the car be dismantled by a computer man and the sensors checked. That's too much work for me. So I told Sam and Jimikoling to find a buyer for me. Both agreed, but Jimikoling came back first with a potential buyer. I sold it to him, and told Sam about it. It escaped me at that time that I could replace the suspension to the standard one, and remove that airmatic headache. I would have kept the car with that.

I didn't tell Hank I have no car now, when I agreed to take him for our Lake Club appointment.  So when we drove up to him, we surprised him, sitting on the monsoon-drain cover at Mydin's,  looking towards the road, clearly trying to spot my old jalopy, which he knows.

Nawawi had included me as a sub-committee member for our OPA Raya gathering at ATM on 24.5.22. Everyone was suppposed to be at the club before 12 that morning. Jimikoling's waze app said 1 hour 10 minutes to destination, it was 10, so we stopped at the Seremban R&R for waffles. Hank paid.  We made it to the club at half-past eleven.

I had planned all along to get Jimikoling's Grab cab. He's a cousin who's actually staying in Kuala Pilah, about 30 km away. I figured the whole thing, plus the return journey, would cost me 150. I didn't ask Jimikoling about his charge. When we reached home abou 4.30 p.m. I just gave him a 100 ringgit note. Earlier I had given him RM 50 for lunch, when he dropped us off on arrival. He just took my 100 note and nodded acceptence.

I had calculated how much my own car had cost me to own and run. This includes capital cost and full maintenance costs. I'd kept every single bill from the beginning. RM 1,500 a month. That's what it cost me. A hired car now appears to cost RM 150 for about 160 km over 7 hours. I could take 10 trips like yesterday to equal my ownership costs. Meaning, I don't have to keep a car now.

We passed by the orphange on our way to KP last night, to visit Yamtik, who had a bad fall that morning. Lined up on the roadside opposite the hostel, half-blocking the already narrow road, were several SUV's and a bus belonging to the orphange. Obviously money has not been a problem for them. I know many Malaysians are generous towards these set-ups. I told Fuad this is a good example of wastage. How many trips and for how long each has the orphange used their many vehicles ? Drivers have to be employed, with medical and payroll to maintain. Vehicles need regular maintenance. Road tax and insurance covers are not cheap. If you hire a bus for a day-trip, you only pay for that piece of work. Your own fleet's costs are for 365 days a year.

So my Grab cab approach seems sound. And Jimikoling is a cousin. I could cut corners on rent here.


Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Another family Raya gathering.

 Thurs 5.5.2022


Got up this morning at 4 to prepare myself for my first 6-day Syawal fast. The house is dead quiet even after I had completed my usual wirid after Subuh. Yesterday, the 3rd. Raya day, was a long one. Everybody pitched in. Everybody is still recovering apparently. That was a wonderful family Raya day, last held 2 years ago. Everybody wanted to make up for that. The success sign?  Every single morsel of food was consumed, except the lidi satay. 

Somehow we had set this 3rd. day thing over the years, and family members have appeared to accept this and graciously make space for it in their own busy schedule. And this includes those from Segamat, South, to Batang Kali, North. One family had even come back from England.  No formal invitation is ever issued. We would mention it in passing to a few. But they all make it, the brothers and sisters and their children and the grandchildren. Well, almost all, that is. That happens. Batang Kali and a few others were absent. But this was one raucous, happy occasion.

I had ordered 600 sticks of satay as part of the fare, but the kids said we never finished them before this, so I called Wak and halved the order. That was soon found to be a mistake. I had warned Wak to make sure the  perut is done well. And to bring enough kuah. Wak obliged. But both disappeared in no time.

Idah had made the other favourites, too, fortunately. But the soto and mee curry in the end also suffered the same fate. The less fortunate late comers had to contend with the other traditional dishes. But the Singaporeans made the most impact on the food supply. They not only came in numbers. They were also the more ravenous, the bloody kiasu ! (the late Bang Din married in Singapore, and these are the descendents). And Singapore didn't even follow Malaysia's Raya date !

I had expected some close friends to come. They didn't show up. They said later they had their own visitors. But I didn't miss them because from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. the house was full. For this time Idah decided to have everyone indoors. Before this we always put the food outside on the patio. So the sitting room, the living room, and corridor to the kitchen and the dining room were all used, and at the height of the party every space was filled. The two 2.5 hp a.c.'s and the 1.5 hp a.c. assissted by 6 stand-fans barely managed to keep the temperature bearable. We even hired 2 paid helps to keep the plates and cups clean and circulating. Idah was against using paper cups and plates. "Looks cheap" she insisted. We're not rich, but we're not cheap ! That's what she was saying.

Two of my besans also made it, but Ibrahim is still hospitalised after some chest pains. I made Suhaily sing on the karaoke set. She was a professional singer a long time ago, but the voice is till there.

I showed-off Dekna's diplomas hanging on the wall to her cousins. "First Class Honours !" I boasted.  Actually these cousins have also done very well in their studies, and one even went to the same premier Girls' College here in Seremban that Dekna went to. I just wanted to goad them. But my sister, the mother, just sneered "just like him". In fact there are doctors (one a neurosurgeon),  dentists, chartered accountants, lawyers (including a Shariah Court Judge), chemists, engineers, IT graduates, pharmacists, university lecturers, school teachers and even a nuclear scientist (working as a chemist) in the family, and that's those that I can recall as I write this. There are other neices & nephews in  the aviation and insurance sectors, and graduate army and police officers, and in the contract business, for instance. Why, there's even a golf pro ! And the places where they studied stretch from England to the US, covering India, Indonesia, Japan and Australia, and locally, of course. The point is, I've seen a very modest kampong family from Bukit Temensu from 7 decades ago now represented here in my humble home, for this joyous occasion that was denied us for 2 years because of diesease, and we have come a long way, I'm proud to claim.

One-by-one my family visitors left as the evening approached. The road in front of the house was all clogged up by all makes of vehicles, a testement to the extended family's success. I'm one proud member, savouring another family Raya gathering.

It' 10 past 8. The house is still asleep. Tired but happy.


Sunday, May 1, 2022

A surprise Raya.

 1 Syawal 1443 / 2.5.2022.

Right up to the 29th day of Ramadan, I expected to make one last hobble to the Negeri mosque for this year's solat terawih. The kids, except for Banjat and family, had all arrived from KL for the Eid celeberations. That's when Ameng held his smartphone to me "Raya tomorrow, atok". Dekna had followed the news yesterday, and all were prepared for a Tuesday Raya. I skidded my scooter 3 days earlier, on the wet grass, trying to avoid the road bump at 5 a.m., going for Subuh prayers. No cuts or anything broken, but the swelling on the left knee stopped my daily mosque routine for 2 days. I was detrmined to make one last terawih congregation.

Everybody was caught by the last minute announcement on tv. Apparently that very last day the new moon was sighted in Labuan. 

Many greetings immediately burst on the social media on the theme "No raya for 2 years, a surprise raya for  year 22."

Already this year the pasar Ramadan had burst the crowd records of the last 2 years here in Seremban. The Jaekal clothes store in Senawang saw massive crowds queing before the store even opened its doors at 9. Giant and Mydin supermarkets, the Ampangan wet market, all saw large crowds queing for everything. It seemed everyone was trying to make up for the last two Rayas' confinement orders. The release of cash from the government and the EPF withdrawl made sure people had money to splash.

Then there is the long weekend. From Saturday, with Labour Day Sunday and the 2-day Raya holidays means it would be at least 5 days of enjoyment, at least, for government servants. The suspension of toll on PLUS and other highways only encouraged people to take flight from their hitherto confinement, with long, long jams on the roads. And not only that, the banks had also run out of fresh bills people wanted for their gifts allocation to loved ones.

I limped to the neighbourhood surau, lugging my foldable seat and sejadah ahead of the 8.30 schedule of the Raya prayers, to make sure I could comfortably seat myself in an unobtrusive spot. I still can't take the seating posture of the prayer because of my accident. Luckily I did. The hall was soon filled up. And I left without joining the post-prayer tahlil. We could line up close, but the mask is still required.

Everyone made it in our house, with Banjat's family arriving last this very morning from Shah Alam, his travel plan disrupted by the surprise Raya. 
