Thursday, September 24, 2020

Nyaleh II

 Thurs 24 Sept 2020.

41 days after "Nyaleh" in this blog, Halim (with son), Hank & I made the second trip to visit Burkhan in his Nyaleh homestead, on Wednesday 23 of September.  This time Halim also brought along his wife.

We left S2 at about 10, but only made it to Nyaleh at about 12.15. Somewhere before the Simpang Ampat exit, a large lorry had somewhow skidded and ended up straddled across the highway, blocking traffic, spewing its load onto the road, and causing a 40-minute delay for everyone. Halim said they were stuck for about 30 minutes. I think because they were earlier, the traffic probably was not as bad. By the time we arrived, Halim & co. had already tucked into the brunch prepared. "Wah ! you started without us, ah ?" I said. Halim didn't reply.

Halim introduced his wife. I said I know she is the sister of Lil's wife, Lil being Fauziah's younger brother. Fauziah is my brother's ex wife. "They seem to remain close" I said to Halim's wife, referring to  Padir, my brother, and Fauziah.

Halim and Hank had arranged for this visit, mainly to collect their fresh orders of VCO. I didn't specifically order for it, but managed to get 2 bottles, anyway. Just as well, because on Tuesday I played with Jamaluddin, and he wanted one bottle when I told him about the VCO I was going to get on Wednesday. I gave it to him this morning when again we played together, and collected the 40 bucks. Hank had also bought one each for Mahbob and Azhar, but in the car returning home had wondered if he should collect the 40 bucks each. "Collect !" I said.

Burkhan told us that he's keeping stock with his son in Putrajaya, and we could collect from him there in future, but there would be a 5-dollar charge.

My first bottle from the first visit lasted exactly one month, I said to Burkhan. This was  1 tablespoon morning and night. This new bottle should last me until October 24. Both Hank and Halim should last theirs until next year, if they don't share it with anyone else.

This time there was no field trip. After the brunch and our midday prayers, we all made our separate ways. And Burkhan gave us some  pisang for making goring pisang.

I took Hank on a different route home this time. We went to Alor Gajah, and stopped for "cucur udang Alor Gajah" at the stalls opposite the District Office. I told Hank, pointing to the new office complex, this was my first place of work after university. But I was ADO for only 5 months in 1968. To his question of why I left, I told him the story of the wedding I attended back in KP around December. My father introduced me to Raja Alias (now Tan Sri) at the kenduri, because it was one of his relatives, and the house is close to ours. Raja Alias invited me to join F.L.D.A. as it was known then. It's Felda today. At that time he was the Deputy Chairman (Development) to Taib Andak, the Chairman. Taib Andak was Tun Razak's close friend, and was credited for the tie-up to Toh Puan Rahah because they were Johoreans. A Mr. Clifford was the Deputy Chairman (Finance). I accepted the invitation and went through the formal interviews.   The interview board was made up of Raja Alias, Mr. Clifford and Ishak Tadin, the Chief Secretary of the Ministry of Rural Development under which Felda was. That was a real powerful panel. Nowadays it would only involve the Personnel staff. Of course I was accepted. I started there in March 1969. My first salary was 950 plus 100 allowance, which was 100 more than the MCS pay. Halim, Akbar and Ghani Sulaiman, all the same year at varsity, were also in Felda when I joined, but all three joined the MCS after less than a year. I remember Ghani when we got our first pay in cash from the accountant, he couldn't put it all in his pocket, and stuffed some of it in his socks ! Ghani retired as the Pahang State Secretary. He was also from Pahang. I think he's now in Kg. Pandan, somewhere.

After the cucur udang, I took Hank to Gadek, on the way to Tampin. Gadek is well-known for its hot springs, like the one in Pedas. I knew of it since my school days in KP. They have made the place more presentable, adding attached pools patrons can share and loll in. There were 2 - 3 Chinese vistors in the different pools, immersed to their necks in the hot water, obviously for medicinal purposes. The girl at the entrance said they get about 100 visitors on weekends, and about half that on week days. The entrance fee is 5 ringgit. Hank entered foc because I paid for him so that he'd enter because he refused to pay to enter.

One reason I wanted to go to Tampin was because I had called an old school mate for tea several days earlier. I know he'd seen my sms. But today, after calling a few times, the ringing phone went unanswered. So we skipped Tampin and went back to the highway.

Before Tesco at S2 we stopped at a Mydin restaurant  for a late  roti canai. Hank collected his car at Tesco, and I lingered for a while there before making it home before Magrib prayers. 


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