Saturday, September 26, 2020

Mazni in Kg. Pilin.

Sun Sept 26, 2020.

Yesterday Hank and I attended Mazni's son's wedding in Kg. Pilin, Rembau. Mazni is an OP who was with MARA. Hank extended the invitation to me. It was on-and-off for a while, because Hank was fearful of the new Covid cases in Kedah, only about 400 km away !  A few days ago he changed his mind again.  In the end, when we went yesterday.  And he forgot his face mask. As usual I came to the rescue.

General Tan Sri Borhan, ex Armed Forces Chief,  also came, complete with his cane and mask. We all arrived at the same time. We all also left at the same time. 

I've heard of Kg. Pilin before, just as I've heard of Bongek. But Bongek I first heard in 1962.  The late Bakar "Chimp" said he was from there. I thought it was a joke, then. 

Until yesterday I'd not visited either one. Bongek, I see the sign board every time I take the Seremban-Rembau-Tampin old road. But no Kg. Pilin sign board.  But I've made it to Kg. Pilin now. But no Bongek yet.

Mazni was our senior at college, and yet here we were, attending to his son's wedding, when in my case my youngest child got married 7 years ago. Hank explained that Mazni had two wives. This must be from the younger wife. His first wife had died. He's now on crutches because of some age-related ailments, although in appearance he looked all right to me.

We didn't wait for the new couple to arrive because we needed to follow the s.o.p. and vacate the limited seating for other guests. Mazni said some police officers came earlier to check on the festivities. All the sop gadgets were there - the book, temperature scan, and the digital scan. The limited seating was adhered to. But unlike other  receptions I'd attended, food was still served buffet.

Mazni sent the video of the wedding party, which showed the couple on a superbike, with other superbikers in tow. So they're superbikers. Without knowing this, which was sent later, I was talking  to Hank about my Honda CBR 600 and Kawasaki Vulcan 750. I had them for about 6 years, but sold them off when I moved to Seremban in 1995. The topic cropped up when a group of superbikers overtook us before reaching Seremban. "What cc are they ?" Hank inquired. "Must be around 900" I said. Hank and I both had our "kapcais" at varsity. I still have one now that I use for trips to town. It beats the traffic and parking woes. 

At Mazni's, they gave us each a ticket with numbers. "Lucky draw, ah ?" I'd joked. They were part of the sop. Before leaving we returned them, and got a door gift each. When I reached home, the wife asked "mana bunga telor" and gave the two kueh bahulu in the gift to her. They came in a nice little basket. 

My trip meter said 41 km from Tesco S 2 to Mazni's place. When I reached back home, it said 120, not 82. That's because we took a different route back, one Hank said he'd not taken before.

We took the Lubuk China road that went past Linggi and Pengkalan Kempas, through Pasir Panjang to the Tg. Tuan road, to Telok Kemang and PD town, or as one sign said, "Port Dickson, Bandar Angkatan Tentera". I pointed out the Palm Spring Golf Club near Pasir Panjang to Hank, and then actually stopped at the Port Dickson Golf Club, or the Garrison Golf Club, a name  used by local golfers to differentiate it from  Palm Spring. I had wanted to stop for refreshments, but we ran smack into a competition and the restaurant was packed. We took a leak and went for rojak & cendul in PD town instead. I'd warned Hank about the traffic jam because of the weekend crowd. We crawled to town and were relieved that the stalls' parking area was almost empty. They're all at beach, I thought. We went to Lukut ( "Oh, this is Lukut" said Hank) and then back onto the PD-Seremban highway, and at the Rasah junction, what else, ran smack into the Saturday traffic again. Hank was not fully awake all the time, so when we finally arrived back at Tesco, as I turned into the parking lot, he came to and said "where are we, where are we ?"

There was banter at Mazni's, and in the car going and coming back. A lot of ground was covered. A lot of time was covered. Children, wives (of course), careers, and of course politics. To me this was the enjoyable part of the day's trip. I don't know about Hank, but Mazni sms'd saying he enjoyed our visit, too.  Hank said he's looking forward to the next date.


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