Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Malay trump card for UMNO lovers?

Wed 5/7/17.

Scaring the rural Malays into voting for UMNO because otherwise the Chinese (meaning DAP) would rule Malaysia seems to be the trump card for UMNO lovers. 

This has been going on for sometime now, uttered publicly by no less than Najib himself on more than one occassion. Having said so many unclever things lately, trying to save his skin, I just laughed this off, until this morning. Molod called and said the government pensioners' group in Seremban is going around repeating after Najib.  I gave an expletive. C'mon, man !   These were very senior government servants who should have good heads on their shoulders !

Parliament has 222 seats. To gain power, a party must win at least 112 seats. DAP won 39 seats in the last GE, the most they have ever won.  The COMBINED opposition won between 15 to 53 seats for each of the previous 11 GE's. How the hell can DAP become the ruling party?

NS has 8 Parliamentry seats. The 2 Chinese dominated seats went to DAP in 2013.  They should carry these 2 for the forseeable future, but that's it.

Playing to the Chinese in front of MCA & Gerakan  saying one thing, and playing to the rural Malays and saying the opposite, UMNO leaders are really stretching it. Seems like they're scared stiff of one very old man!

Malay ex-civil servants are not running for office, they're too old. But they should still have their marbles. Unless their brains are scrambled. Look at the facts lah, don't just repeat the stupid spin !


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