Saturday, September 17, 2016

Keeping well.

Sunday 18th. September, 2016.

At our age, our priority should be keeping ourselves well. Without realizing it or planning for it,  I've been trying to do it for some time now. There wasn't any reason for it. As far as I can remember I'd always enjoy moderate physical activities right from my school days. I played some games then, and used to run around my kampong before jogging was "fasionable",  the months before I started  university. I even made my own tee shirts at that time, before it became common, with various logos and wordings. I played tennis when I started working, casually, and only stopped because, and it was quiet late,  I found golf. I'm a golf-addict now and only injury and bad weather stop me.  I'm thankful it keeps me healthy and wise. I haven't seen the "wealthy" part, though, ha ha !

What I want to share with you here is my experience regarding looking after your own health. 

I could say that I'm blessed with an "acceptible" health, notwithstanding a couple of  "scares" scattered through the last fifty-odd years of my life. And except for the bad back I had in the last three months, and of that I'm probably 95% cured, I feel fine.  I eat modestly, and find sleep easy.

On the 7th. of April, 1993 I bought a book called "The Vitamin Book" by Harold M. Silverman, Pharm.D( Bantam Books 1985). On the 14th. of May, 2001 I bought  "Stop Ageing Now" by Jean Carper(Thorsons 1995) . Carper is said to be "a leading authority on health and nutrition and an author of numerous books." A second book by her was bought on 30th. of September 2003 titled "Food, Your Miracle Medicine"(HarperPaperbacks 1998). So it can be said that in bits and pieces I have followed  some of the recommendations that I found in these 3 books, for the last 23 years. Mostly it's the supplements that I now take. I've changed a few, and then put them back in again, and after the visit with Dr. Li Ling  Pharm D. (U.M.) recently, I'm probably  sticking to my list. And this is why:

Experts agree that vitamins and minerals are needed to prevent some deficiencies, including life-threatening diseases. And aging is the large part of the monumental progressive deficiency disease. And a Chinese proverb is claimed to have said "whoever was the father of a disease, an ill diet was the mother." Trust the Chinese on food !

I needed someone real, and an  authority, to assess my conviction on my book-acquired knowledge. Since I'm on some medicinal drugs, I also wanted to know if supplements were compatible. My son helped locate Dr. Li Ling for me. An hour-long session, and a couple of email commentries have given me the confidence in my choice of supplements now. 

If there's a magic potion of youth everyone will want it. Many scientists now view aging not as an inevitable consequence of time, but as a disease itself. A theory was published in a scientific journal in 1993 claiming that " oxidative damage to the cells' genetic DNA accumulates with age and is a major contributor to aging and the degenerative diseases of aging, including cancer, cardiovascular disease, immune-system decline and brain and nervous system dysfunction, such as Parkinson's disease, Lou Gehrig's disease, and cerebral vascular changes that we know as senility."

Viewing aging as the ultimate conglomerate disease caused by a lifetime of environmental assaults on cells, leading to a slow degeneration of the body and culminating in multiple breakdowns of bodily functions, it's now believed that the process can be slowed down, or even reversed.

Antidisease and diet-connected research helps the focus on aging's degeneration and discovered that nature's own agents exist in vast supply in food and plants.

The "antioxidant" camp is met by the expected scientific community's wariness, many maintaining that extensive tests are required. But there are others who say that the whole truth will never be revealed. Generations could pass before answers emerge from these trials. Most scientists see no danger in taking supplements, and say it's foolish to wait, when the stakes are so high, while the risk is low.

Consider the case of scurvy in the Middle Ages. Scientists in that period  suspected for 200 years that fruits rich in vitamin C prevented the disease. By mid 1700 this was proven. Yet it took the British government another 50 years before mandating that sailors at sea be given limes or lemons. By then 200,000 British sailors had died of scurvy.

It's estimated that by age fifty, about 30% of our cellular protein has been turned to rusty junk by free radical attacks.

I'm inviting you to share my experience and  consider taking the following supplements:

Vitamin E.
Fights clogging of arteries. Improves immunity functions.
Vitamin C.
Anti-cancerous. Raises good HDL. Reduces bad LDL. Cuts lung problems.
Beta Carotene.
Cuts stroke risk. Improves immunity.
Prevents insulin imbalance.
Prevents bone loss. Fights high blood pressure.
Protects the heart by preventing spasms and abnormal rhythms. Deters blood clot formation. Works with calcium for bone protection and blood-clotting prevention.
Blocks cancer. Reduces heart disease. Improves immunity.
Coenzyme Q-10.
Corrects deficiencies to your heart, brain, and general resistance to diseases.Sparks the cells to function.
Improves blood circulation.
Garlic oil.
Acts as an anti-stress and producer of good mood.
Fish oil.
Anti-clogging of arteries. Raising good HDL. Improves heart function.
A natural algae source of protein that detoxes arsenic, eliminates intestinal irritation, lowers BP, reduces cholesterol, fights strokes, and boosts energy (with such claims I take the full  dose of 2 tablets, thrice a day with meals)

Here's to our good health. Keep well.


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