I remember "Ne'ah" when Pak Lang Gani and Mak Lang were still alive. I remember going to the Ulu Bendul house many times, especially during Hari Rayas. Ne'ah was the quiet one. She always kept quiet. When the others present would talk and laugh, she just smiled. She was quietly married to someone down that footpath disappearing toward the other side of the padi field (there was a padifield in front and at the back of the house then). I remember she bore a son.
Kak Ngah Ne'ah passed away last night.
I missed the sms from Ati, but coming back from my golf, Calit called. We were able to join the funeral prayers at the surau, right after the midday Zohor. When the imam offered any family member to head the congregation, I suggested the son, but he declined and requested the imam to do it. It's a simple ritual that I've told my children to do, when my time comes. My brother Fadzil did it for my father; I did for my mother. It was our final "ibadah" for them.
Fuad Jaafar, Hashim Meon, and Zainal Taib were the familiar faces present. I didn't see anyone from Induk's side. When I went to the bank in Seremban after coming back from Ulu Bendul, I met Ghaffar, besan to the late Kak Ngah of Kg. Ibol, and mentioned the absence of members of this family, but he wasn't even aware of the sad passing.
Some major works are going on on the old abondoned sawah in front of the old house. That part is hardly recognizable now. Pak Lang used to park his Ford "Prefect" on that tiny ledge between the steep slope and the stream. It was British, and had only 3 gears. I remember riding it a few times. We visited him when he was stationed in Kelantan or Pahang, I can't remember. I think he made it to Sub-Inspector, the highest non-com. rank in the Police.
Many things are just memories now.