Thursday, December 10, 2009

That's why he's Tiger (if the stories are true).


To use golf parlance, Tiger Woods is "in the hazard". After the SUV accident, story upon story about illicit romancing have come out like worms out of the, well, wood. I would like to think these are only stories,  until proven true. 

For 13  years, Tiger had been beating them on the mostly White golf tours.  What they can't do to him on the golf course, now they're only too happy to do off  it,  a chance not to be wasted. 

Firstly, assuming it's all true again, it's consensual sex. 

Secondly,   if I'm virile and worth one billion dollars, all the sweet-young-things that come my way could throw  themselves at  me. 

If you can imagine the situation - an upscale night club, beautiful music and beautiful crowd - pretty young things wouldn't think twice about flirting with Tiger. Honestly, I'd be greatly disappointed if Tiger plays it straight and abstains completely.  A sin is a sin, by any religious standard, so there's no excuse for it,  But sowing wild oats is as old as the Scriptures.  If it was other the the most recognizable athlete in the world, I don't think the stories would  make it to the print. 

Jay at the club this morning remarked flippantly that Elin must be "naive".  Tiger and Elin  should get over it and move on, and charge it all to experience. And similiarly we should all also move on. We should look forword to Tiger's next exploit. 

On  the golf course. 


1 comment:

norzah said...

Ya, they can't knock down Tiger on the green, so get him in the red light. Sink him if you can't sink your ball better than him.