Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Christmas cheer is here.


Yuletide is here, and like true Malaysians everyone gets one more excuse to celebrate, but then, why not ?. And suddenly many interesting news came out daily this last one week. I'm referring to the stolen aircraft engines (so far two only), blasting Mahathir, again, on the bilion-dollar wastages of his premiership, the MCA-PAS-MIC-PKR-, and , of course, UMNO - infighting, the near defeat of the Federal budget in Parliament, and the defeat of Ezette by Bung Muktar, also in Parliament. 

I remember when Ishak Tadin was the GM of KTM and he discovered one locomotive engine missing. I can't remember what happened afterwards. Perhaps we should ask both KTM and Ishak, because they're both still alive. 

A Royal Commission for the aircraft engine theft by the General and his 40 thieves is not a bad idea, but it maybe bad for Najib because he was the Minister then. And Zahid of the Kertam shares episode, the current Defence minister, may not want too much spotlight right now. 

The intra party squabbles can go on and on.  That's why it's called a party. The near defeat of the Federal budget in a BN-controlled house must take the prize. Especially because nowadays there's even a full minister in charge of Parliament. Looks like he's a bloody fool minister. I'm only following his style of using the word bloody on Mahathir. What was he doing ? Anyway, except for Bung Muktar and his new-found toy, where were the other MPs ? They cannot all be busy marrying their second young wives ! 

The best story is Mahathir's reply to Lim Kit Siang and Anwar about his spendthrift ways when Prime Minister ( and for many years helped by Anwar). Get on with the Commission, he said. So get on with it, Najib. I don't think Najib is so stupid as to do what Lim & Partner wants. In fact, I don't think his new partner Anwar is that stupid as to really want the Commission, because Mahathir would have a field day on him alone. This is all so predictable, this Mahathir-bashing to just embarass the old man. I'm afraid others might be embarassed. 

Except Anwar. He's beyond embarassment. 


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