Saturday, January 3, 2009

The plight of the Palestinians. The genocide continues.


No word suffices in describing what is right now happening in Palestine. Maybe somewhere down the line in the course of history the real story will be told. How the Europeans persecuted the Jews, even as the Arabs were willing to tolerate them and give them shelter, and after WW2 how Europe and USA cunningly deceived the World into creating Israel, in fact making the now arbitrarily displaced Palestinians pay for the European's sins. 

The holocaust occurred in Germany and Poland and Hitler's Third Reich. Now a new holocaust is taking place in Palestine right before our eyes, when the whole human race has said, after the crimes committed in the name of misguided politics in the Modern Era, "no more !" 

As you watch tv and see the stupid, meaningless deaths on our roads because of the stupid, meaningless craze of our spoiled drivers, it srikes your heart in a chilling, sobering way that the 60-year sufferings of the Palestinians is no nearer to its end than ever before, even as their people continue to fight and die for their homeland.

And to think that all this continues because of the blind and insanely bias support of the US. Until this moment nothing that the US has said and done merit the least humanely possible condonement. What possible comparison can be drawn between the millions of betrayed Palestinians and the sustenance of an artificial Jewish state at any cost ? And at any cost here really means that - any amount of money, any life of any Palestinian, young, old, women or children.

What moral high ground can the only remaining super-power in the world take now ? Fighting for the US brand of democracy ? For the US brand of civilisation ? The US is less than 300 years old. Palestine was there 2,000 years ago. Israel was arificially inseminated in 1948. The out-going US President has come out strong and clear, not on the cheap Palestinian lives that have been snuffed for daring to fight for their homeland, but in support of the Jewish aggressors. That was no surprise, coming from the Chief Murderer of the the Iraqi people. But even the President-elect, with his message for Change, has come out in defence of the Jewish state, not even wanting to wait for his turn to turn the screws tighter on the miserable Palestinians. And to think that his father was a Muslim !

As far as Palestine is concerned there will be no change. As far as Obama is concerned he has already said US support for Israel will not change. It looks like it's up to the Palestinian youth to fight with sticks and stones their Jewish invaders with their tanks and planes and bombs. It looks like their Muslim brothers can only offer them their pitiful prayers. From a safe distance.


1 comment:

norzah said...

While agreeing completely with your view on the US stand I always regret the Muslims' attitude towards the issue. We keep cursing and denouncing the Jews (enough of it already in the Quran) but what are we doing to learn from their economic and military success? Roket Hamas tak kena pun tapi kereta kebal dan fighterjet Israel menembak dengan tepat. The Arab countries can flush Israel with burning petrol if they wish to do so. But, the money the oil brings in is more important to them than the lives lost on the Gaza.