Saturday, January 17, 2009

Kuala Terengganu II


Saturday 17th. Jan. 9.36 p.m. It's official ! Just 10 minutes ago RTM telecast live from KT - PAS wins with more than 2,000 majority. So my prediction a full 6 days ago was correct. One more win for "irrelevent" Mahathir against Lame Duck Dollah! He handpicked the candidate and campaigned personally (unlike Permatang Pauh, where "even his shadow was not seen" as the Malay saying goes) defended the candidate frantically, even going to the extent of saying this BN win is "for continuity". Mahathir said if Dollah & S.I.L. don't show up in KT, it might improve BN's chances. 

Well, Mahathir is right. Poor Najib valiantly said he'll continue Dollah's "good work". Good work, indeed. You mean "good sleep" Najib ? And for "continued" idiocy at the UMNO's helm ? Once again the UMNO members are showing that Dollah & S.I.L. are no good for the Party. Can't the two bang their hard heads together to get some sense into them and accept the reality? Just quietly go, Dollah, and don't throw anymore tantrums, against Mahathir or Muhyiddin or Rafidah or the bloggers. Now the Scomi crap is catching up on you. What about the Food for Oil scandal ? And the Slime Darby crude attempt at highjacking IJN ? Who's behind the Labu airport ? What single piece of good have you done when holding O.I.C's chairmanship ? You slept in office for 5 years, and now suddenly you are feverishly busy doing all kinds of underhanded things ? Do you imagine that your 5 worthless years of zero legacy could cover up all the shit when even Mahathir's 22 busy years couldn't stop you and your cohorts from demeaning him, never mind that he personally picked you to be PM over the "more qualified" Najib ? 

Then maybe Muhyiddin and Mukriz can put Humpty Dumpty together again.


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