Monday, January 5, 2009

If there is no breeze, the leaves won't ruffle.


So ! Yang Teramat Mulia Dato' Lela Maharaja Undang Luak Rembau has deigned to speak up to the press about the "non-existence lobbying" for the Crown of the 11th. Yam Tuan ? If this was an attempt at clearing the name of the MB, it was sloppy and the classic case of being too little too late. As a certain politician so cleverly puts it, this stinks to the high heavens. The idiom of equivalence is "you can't cover carrion with a rice strainer." 

My first question is, who put the poor Undang to it ? My 2nd. question is, shouldn't the most senior Undang, the one who proclaimed the new Yam Tuan, Dato' Kelana Putra Undang Luak Sungai Ujong, make this press statement ? My 3rd. question is, why drag an Undang in and dignify a rumour in the first place ? 

If the objective was to silence the talk of the town, it was a complete flop. On the contrary this has not only enhanced the controversy, it brought a hitherto word-of-mouth slander into the open. Now everybody knows. As the Malay saying goes "if there is no breeze, the leaves won't ruffle." 

The sayings of Adat Perpateh state: 

"The Custom is on its development,
Resolution is on its compromise. 
The custom has evidence, The law has witness. 
The custom is based on law, The law is based on the Book of Allah. The just Crown is honoured, The cruel Crown is dishonoured. When you speak at daylight, look around, When you speak at night, 
listen well. 
Follow your heart, and you die, 
Follow your whim, and you perish. 
As far as the eyes can see, Swiftly the horse gallops, 
The beaten snake should die, The beating stick shouldn't break, The ground shouldn't buckle. 
The heavy load is lifted together, The lighter load is slung together, The hill is climbed together, The valley is descended together, The spoils are shared, The losses are shared, The liver of germs are shared, The liver of elephants are shared. 
Look at the custom, The village with its borders, The rice-fields with their bunds, The houses with their stacked steps, The rooms with their noises, 
When the state is big, When the people are many, The custom is set, the laws are ordained, 
The young has aged, The aged have titles, What do the elders say ? In the world rules a king, In the "Luak" rules a headman, In the "suku" rules a "lembaga", To each his own, To each his right, 
What belongs to another, do not take, What belongs to you, do not give, 
Living in harmony, Neighbours between homes, village sidling to village, That you can borrow from each other, That you visit in sickness, Playing in the same fields, Bathe in the same wells, Share the same lavatories,
Where the land is undulating, the water is clear, The counsel is united."

Study the sayings.


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