Monday, October 13, 2008

The UMNO races heat up.


To-day, Tuesday 14th. October, there is a lull in the gathering storm of the UMNO races for 2008, after the delayed start on Friday. It's too soon to tell, but already the troops are itching for action. The early salvos are from two old men who are not even in the contest, in contrasting styles.

One is wily; and the other wimpy.

One is angry at being dismissed; the other fails to see the need to be.

One claims not to care about what history would think of him; the other seems not to care, period.

One stepped down even as he said his job wasn't done after 22 years; the other is stepping down, he claims, after finishing it in 5 months time.

The contestents ,on their part, are nervously putting up their fingers to test the wind. Doubtless many  fingers will be burnt.

Let's start with the "jokers".

Chief among them must be this out-of-the-blue chap who used to pass his name card around that carried his grandfather's name.  That was the first time I've seen a Malay guy doing that. I suppose, this being his first venture at making a name for himself, carrying the well-known grandfather's name would help.  Looking at his latest antics, I don't think he has matured much since. I feel sorry for the division that elected him as its "Ketua".

This is where he and his fellow jokers contesting against Muhyiddin for the Deputy post could learn to  hold their  tongues  sometimes. Not say something that could confirm suspicions about your stupidity. There are many ways of making news, but flashing your lack of intelligence is not helpful. I mean, how good would you look if you say in public that you contest the Deputy post because you want to bring youth to it ? People prefer wisdom and experience. Youth would not do.

Then you put the icing on the cake by saying Mahathir is responsible for bringing Anwar into UMNO. What's the crime in that ? Mahathir did many things in his long areer. He can't always be held responsible for all the actions of his proteges, no more than Anwar is to be held responsible for all the actions of Ezam. And by the way, Mahathir also gave a second life to a "recond" Mohamad Rahmat. You insinuate  that as despicable? Your own grandfather ?

Your lack of knowledge also goes to Malay Literature, which is full of wise old sayings such as "shine the light at your face in the mirror" and "diving into the water in the tree stump". For your sake I will tell you what each means. To shine the light at your face in the mirror is to carefully assess your capabilities before venturing into something something big. To dive into the water in the tree stump is to do something silly, if not downright dangerous. How much water is there in an old tree stump ?

I think this guy owes Mahathir an apology.  He should be thankful that the old man didn't use sterner nouns. 

Notwithstanding their coy public reaction to Mahathir's acid tongue, Muhammad Taib and Ali Rustam contesting the Deputy post also is in similiar vein. When UMNO is at the crossroads, we need great leaders.  Muhammad's shenanigans in the not so distance past still ring in our ears. Ali Rustam's substance as a national leader is still less than potent. How could he be, when he struggles to express himself in the press. And remember also, he was darn lucky he didn't get caught like Isa Samad the last time. And another thing, how can you be so flippant in making State Awards to just any Bollywood star you fancy ?

Wanita's development merit a separate page in my blog. I've been waiting for this since she shut out the shippers' complains about Port Klang's operations by imperiously dismissing them as "what's so difficult" without even allowing the representatives to her Trade Ministry Dialogue with Agencies finish their sentence, but that was the "Iron Lady" then. And by the way, don't put her on the same level as Albreight. The American has a PhD.

There's interesting action in the Puteri wing, too. Only, I urge its members to scrutinise the candidates thouroughly. A university degree doesn't guarantee quality, but in this day and age it would look stupid if Puteri elects undereducated leaders when there are plenty of qualified ones around. I know one of the candidates has only SPM, although she claims at different times to have either a diploma or a degree. Just don't be so gullible.

Let the" assistant President in charge of vice" be a real open post. But again the delegates ahould not be swayed by incumbency, or money or rethoric. Info on the candidates are available. Their records are public knowledge - assess them for truthfullness and sincerity. I know truth and sincerity can be fleeting and stretched thin. Assess anyway. Some things said and done 10 years ago are not too far off for recollection, in fact time can lend better contrast.

Pemuda requires brave action. This is the Party's future. Action always speak louder than words. Action is obvious to the seeing eyes. Words are often twisted and turned. You can be lulled by clever verbal acrobatics. A leader shows his mettle when the stakes are high, and he goes against the tide in his belief. Leaders don't just jump on the badwagon. It's so easy to thump your chest when the crowd is behind you, or the King is looking out for you. Humility and humbleness and respect for elders are not bad traits for a leader. Greed, conceit and disdain for the old warriors are.

As I said, the battle is just beginning. For the delegates, I urge that they don't sell their votes cheap. If it's with money, then it's truly worthless.

For the contestants, I say, offer your services because you're answering a higher call, not a personal one.

And if you don't intend to use the keris, don't even think of pulling it out of the sheath.


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