Thursday, May 18, 2023

Use "Allah" if you want to.

 Fri 19.5.2023


Use "Allah" if you want to, whatever religion you practice. I don't understand all the furore now, and it's not the first time. Just like the first time, many years ago, it's the issue of the translation of a Christian book referring to God. It's the same God. We just call Him differently. "Allah" is just Arabic for the Almighty. Now Sarawak, with their new-found political clout because of the weak PKR PM, is exploiting the situation and reviving the old noise-making.

"Allah" is not the property of the Muslims. The honour and right of the Muslims are not contaminated because non-Muslims use the word.  They are not using "Allah" in an offensive way. They are bowing before their "Allah", their God, in the same way "Allah" is held by the Muslims.

The holy truth that Muslims hold to be contained in the Quran is not lessened by non-Muslims burning the Quran. What they destroy is a man-made book. They may even have spent money to get a copy to burn.  God's words remain intact.  The feelings of Muslims are of course hurt by the insult intended. Muslims have every right to object against it.  We are all supposed to be civilised, and respect the feelings of others. Otherwise we are uncivilised, uncouth and stupid.

The Quran says to each his belief.  There's no coercion in Islam. There is only One Maker. Islam says we live our own lives, and all return to Him.  The Day of Judgment determines the correctness of our chosen paths.

In the meantime, let's share the insight each of us receive, by whatever way. If we are good human beings, we spread the insight among our kind. Let's not get tied down to words misunderstood. Don't let our shortsightedness or short temper impair  true view.

Muslims believe it was Abraham who first brought forth the revelations of  the Scriptures recognized by the Quran as the Holy Books. Only the hands of men altered the contents over time. The Muslims believe the Quran, compiled in the times of the 4 Rightful Guided Caliphs, was saved from the same fate by maintaining the same exact version ever since. Let us read and try to understand the Quran from the learned jurists, and not get agitated by myopia, thin skin and ignorance.

Only God Knows the truth.


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