Friday, February 21, 2020

Padir at IJN

Fri 21 Feb 2020.

Wednesday I happened to glance at my whatsapp after my usual morning golf and saw an unregistered number and opened it anyway. Good thing I did. It was Umi, about Padir's admission to IJN, yesterday. I collected Idah and later Calit, and by about half-past-two were at A411, Block A, 4th. floor, and found Fikri and Faiz with Padir in bed, eyes closed.

Umi had given the info about the procedure at 12 that day, and by the time we were at IJN, obviously it was completed and Padir was back in his assigned room.

He looked ok, not sick or anything. He opened his eyes as I approached his bed. He didn't have to explain at length what happened, because in the next 15 minutes the nurse, and then Dr. Ahmad himself came, and explained everything, showing the photos. Padir had 2 blocked arteries, one 100% and the other 95%. A stem had been inserted in one. Further review would be made on the second one for the next procedure. As I understood it then, Padir could be released in the next few days and wait about 2 months for the next step. In fact I received news just now that Padir would be leaving the hospital today.

About 30 years ago he had an angioplasty at the Pantai Hospital, I think. So, all things considered, that first one was well done. He said he had felt discomfort and breathing issues a few months ago, but hitherto all the checkups had not revealed anything untoward. Even this time around it was Umi who insisted that he come here for a full check up. Which goes to show that if you have a history of heart problems, get a full check up the moment you experience any breathing difficulty. If he had come months earlier, the condition could have been much better.

Umi had said that she hadn't inform anyone else yet, not even Calit. I just asked him to come along. IJN is no joke. At this age, we should worry, and not just feel sorry. There are facilities available.

Shortly afterwards Fahmi "vel, vel, vel" also came. Padir later said this was the first time for some time that all three sons are together. Idah was moved. Well, we all see the same thing. The kids have their lives, too. Fine, if they come around together now and then. If not, we understand.

I took the opportunity to chide at "vel,vel,vel", I asked for your 'phone number at Aizat's reception and still haven't got it. He said he's meeting YAB Amin, the Negri MB. I told him to mention me, in MUBARAK NS. We've been trying to get an appointment. I personally want to pass to him my paper on the ADUN's allowance review. NS ranks low, compared to the other States. The PH State Government should do something while they can. The next GE might see the return of BN.

When early in Felda days I also had a medical checkup with one of Felda's panel of doctors, and they said I had a heart "murmur". I remember reading about the late Muhammad Ali, the American boxer, who also had a heart murmur. He went on to do great stuff. I went on without following up on my murmrur. Until now I feel great. Hopefully my daily regimen and supplements would keep me on my feet for some years yet.

I told Padir to try the two folk medicines, okra and ginger juices, I have taken for a couple of years now. I don't know if they're any good, because my 3-month regular medical check-ups don't say anything different from before. But overall, my heart, kidneys, BP, diabetes and eyes are "normal". I have my regular diabetes pills, and BP and cholesterol drugs, and I watch my sugar intake, getting a controlled reading of around 6.9, which the doctors say is acceptible. But there's no harm in trying these home remedies, as long as you abide by the doctors' orders also.

We took our leave at about six. On the way out, I did my Asr prayers in the surau I saw on the floor. Lucky I did. I was thinking I'd pray at the R&R somewhere. Because it took us 2 hours to reach Sg. Besi. The jam on the Jalan Tun Razak was unbelievable. After some food at the Serdang fruit stalls, we finally reached home at 10 p.m.



zainal mokhtar said...

Wednesday 7 pm Calit, Idah & I were back at IJN on learning Conen was readmitted at 9 this morning for chest pains. We saw him at rest, after medication and oxygen-assisted breathing. This afternoon (Thursday) Umi texted he was feeling better, and not crying any more !

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