Thursday, November 1, 2018

BERSATU Seremban.

Fri 2.11.2018

On 6th Oct Maulud arranged for a meeting with Rashid and his "admirer" at SIGC. Four days later another bigger one was arranged by me at Ai's house, followed by the handing over of Rashid's letter to Rais Yatim in PD the night Anwar had a campaign gathering prior to the PD Parliamentry bye-election. Consequently, Rais called Rashid and a couple of his group-members to see him Monday 15th Oct, the day Anwar took his oath in Parliament. It was to be of no consequence, in the end. Just 30 minutes from the appointed time, Rais, through his secretary, cancelled the meeting that he had called for, giving no excuses and no alternative dates.

At Ai's house I had said that Rashid was probably too late  already, when he said the BERSATU NS deadline was 20th October. Yesterday I met Jefri and Halid at SIGC, and Jefri said the deadline was 17th. Mahathir said at the ceremony admitting Mustaffa Mohamad that the NS pro-tem committee up had been completed. There!

Yesterday I got Jefri to declare that he's the chosen Divisional Head of BERSATU Seremban. He rattled off the names of the others in the line up, including Halid and Yusoff Yaacob, who were present. I only wanted his comments on my proposal that 3 branches be set up in DUN Ampangan with Ai's friends' support. The issue of the rejection of Ai's friends' application was cast out because Jefri knows the writer of the letter, who has no such powers that only BERSATU hq has at the moment. I'm now to set up TDS branch, with or without Mazlan's participation, and Ai will set up 2 more, with Jiboi for himself, and one more, I forget the PDM.

I'd tried to explain my interest, and made comments on the number of branches and the need to attract the younger members for the future strength of BERSATU for the next GE. The paricipation of academics cannot be stopped, but they have the tendency of being very idealistic, when Malaysian politics demand a realistic approach. I said that BERSATU is a Malay party, upholding the special rights of the Malays and Bumiputras enshrined in the Constitution, but accepting the legitimate rights of the rest of the voters. This is unlike PKR and DAP, and even PAS, which has  non-Malay, non-Muslim "wakil rakyats".

The BERSATU AGM scheduled for 28-30 December would only see the divisional delegates, Jefri said. I said the branches must be set up quickly, to strengthen the division in the 2019 AGM.

I've not heard from Rashid, and Maulud, as expected, failed to turn up yesterday. It doesn't matter. For those who can spare the time and energy, the branches must become the centre of their attention.  We want to see the developments in 2019.


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