Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Ishak Ismail, Al Fatihah

Wed 19 July 2017 (25 Syawal 1438)

At 12.20 noon today, I stood on the first line of the funeral congregation at the Paroi Jaya mosque, right behind the covered shroud containing the remains of my old friend, Ishak Ismail, Dato', Yang Berhormat, the late Assemblyman for Lenggeng. At around past midnight last night, Bok called, saying that Ishak had  collapsed at YB Samad of Seri Menanti's Raya function, and died. He asked that I visit the next morning, in Kuala Pilah. I calculated that services would be at around zohor prayers, and there would be sufficient time for my regular 9-holes before driving back to KP. But as I was unloading my golf bag from my boot at the club's car park, I heard over the p.a. system of the nearby  Paroi Jaya mosque the bilal announcing  the funeral bathing and prayer  arrangements there, not in KP.  So here I was, in good time, saying my silent goodbye to a fellow "wakil rakyat". 

We started in the state together in 1995.  

Ishak was 66.

Ishak would have been proud of the thousand-plus crowd that came. The car park was full, with vehicles overflowing on to the roadside outside. It was mostly men, with a smaller group of women, as is customary. Many familiar faces were there. But many expected to be there were absent. They took up all the space in the mosque, as well as  taking up space  outside. The ablution took longer than expected, but by 12.15 the freshly washed and shrouded remains were brought into the prayer hall. The prayers were led by the incumbent UMNO Ketua Bahagian of Seremban, YB Dato Abu.  Abu  surprisingly beat Ishak for Ketua Bahagian in the last party elections. 

As a long-time party man, Ishak had both supporters and detractors. He was loud and very opinionated, and took sides bravely. You may not agree with him, and many don't, but he was never shy. I thought that he was unnecessarily strident when a quiet, firm stand would have sufficed, and at other times strangely mute, when the public issue demanded criticism from someone in his  position. His own private problems had become more public in recent times, sadly. But we're in no position to judge him. He most certainly attracted admirers in robustly carrying out his responsibilities as an Assemblyman and the long-time chief of UMNO Seremban. It seemed ironic that the quiet man who toppled him led the final prayers for him today.

May Allah Accept all our supplications, and Forgives all your weaknesses, Ishak.   Al Fatihah !


Sunday, July 16, 2017

Port Dickson's Federation Military College alumni Raya.

Sunday 16 July 2017 - 22 Syawal 1438.

About 150 of us gathered at the OPA Penthouse, Saujana, at noon today, for a Raya gathering of the Port Dickson batch of the 1952 - 1961 intakes. These were those who entered the College at the Port Dickson camp, because in the middle of 1961 the College moved to Sungai Besi. Of those surviving who could make it, anyway. When Salim Rahim and Halim Shah Murad finished marking in red all the names pinned on the wall of these intakes now deceased, there was a generous swath of red ink across the list. When Radzi Shiekh Ahmad, the gathering chairman, offered prayers for the dear departed, I felt a touch of sadness doubtless many present shared with me. For the 1952 intakes, they're now 65 years past their third-form ages of around 15, making them about 80 years old. The youngest intake of 1961 like me are all above 70 years ! Certainly the hairlines and hair tones were indicative, and there were a few walking sticks, too. Many showed the ravages of time, but there were those that seemed to age well, like Yusuf Ali Zain and Raja Aman.

I recognized, greeted and exchanged banter with many of my 1961 intake. There was Hank, Salim, Shahruddin, Nor Shaari, Mooi Yoke Loong, Gurdial Singh, Yusuf Ali Zain, Amin, Abd. Rahman, Megat, Hamid Arshad, Farid Wardi, Mansor Salleh, Raja Aman, Liew Yeow Kheong, Li Heng Tiong and Khairuddin amongst them. I recognized many of the older intakes, too. It was nostalgic.

In spite of being a life member of OPA and a former member of the Saujana Golf Club from 1980 to 2000, this was the first time I set foot into the OPA penthouse, would you believe it.  I had the vague idea that it was closer to the golf club than it actually is. I think it's quite a nice place and seems well-run. I see that the whole area has been fully developed and looks well-to-do, as it should be, I suppose. It's a Paremba project, I think. In fact it's OPA Razali of Paremba who got the site for the Penthouse, if I'm not mistaken.

After the customary photo sessions, the food served was good. I had a bit of everything, as it was exactly lunchtime. But I slipped out early through the kitchen while the din grew louder with the live music in the dining room, and everyone was engaged with everyone else. I had to get back to Seremban because the missus had to attend some function of her own.

Well done, Nawi & co.



Thursday, July 6, 2017

Najib girds up for 14th GE.

Friday July 7th. 2017.

The good news is there could be a 14th GE after all.  Najib could very well avoid having one if he fears losing. He can't do it constitutionally, but that hasn't stopped him before. The only salvaging possibility is that there are enough strong-willed and right-minded officers in the Police and the Armed Forces to stop him from flouting the Constitution. The Police doesn't look a likely source of help right now, but the Army appears steady. Their respective veteran's associations seem a possible recourse.

So what choice do we have for the next  government?

72-year-old UMNO  could tout it's longevity. It has been dominant in all the 13 GE's.  It  has been in power for the last 58 years.  UMNO has been the ruling party since independence, and the good and bad have been brought  only by them, intentionally or otherwise.

In real terms, though, half a century isn't that long. It's only half of a life time. All worldly political parties have suffered changes, and mostly for the worse. The hardy Communist party, born only a few years before  UMNO, would today be unrecognizable to Marx, Lenin and Mao Tze Tung if they were still around. England's weak Conservative no longer hogs centre stage with Labour. US's White House is supposed to be Republican, but the occupant neither sounds nor looks Republican, much less Democratic. India's Modi, having removed the erstwhile Congress, is espousing Hinduism and embracing Zionism, probably turning the Ghandis' (not related, of course) in their graves. And the list goes on. 

Looking at Islamic history,  the 4 Rightly Guided Caliphs ruled for 29 short years. Three of the Caliphs were murdered. The succeeding Ummayiad dynasty lasted 89 years. The Abbassids wrested power and lasted longer - 580 years. Seljuk Turks ended Abbassid power but retained their titular rule until 1258 when the Mongols sacked Bagdad, their capital, and ended the Abbassid caliphate. Mongol Khannate converted to Islam within the next 100 years. Delhi became the most important Islamic capital in the East. The Delhi Sultanate, and later the Mughal ( an adaptation of the word "Mongol") Empire (1526-1857) helped spread Islam to South East Asia. Meanwhile the Seljuk Turks who conquered Abbassid lands converted to Islam and became de facto Caliphs. The 13th. century saw the rise of the Uthmaniyah Empire. In 1453 Uthmaniyah Muhammad II captured Constantinople, and that caliphate lasted until 1924. The "Ottomans" (the Westerners are forever bastardizing original names) lasted 600 years. Now, that's long. The Islamic faith is as strong as ever.  But so-called "Islamic" governments all over the world  have not fared as well.

Age is not sacrosanct. Presumably the less of it, the less sacrosanct. Certainly Najib's people consider Mahathir's age not sacrosanct at all. The same could be said of  UMNO.

The discerning mind should look for guidance when facing  choice.

The next GE is about choosing who, and which political party leads the country. The ballot box has to assess pertinent points. Let's look at them.

It's about race. 

A 2010 census says that out of a population of 29.63 million, Malays & Bumiputras make up 60.3%, Chinese 24.6% and Indians 7.1%, spread unevenly over 13 states and 3 Federal Territories, with a distinct rural-urban distribution, and with pronounced income-distribution differences strongly connected to racial and geographical factors. Religion, a life-value strongly held, closely corresponds to the race type.  This is a field ripe for all kinds of political "dirty tricks". 61.1% of the population are of voting age. Race & religion could play a heavy hand.

 It's about political parties.

The last GE probably cast the die on the Chinese and Indian votes. The 38 Parliamentry seats that went to DAP could become 44 for the Peninsula alone. An unchanged 6 from Sabah/Sarawak would give the party a total of 50 seats, or 22.5% of Parliament.

PAS's 21 could be reduced because of the PAN split, and the negative reaction to its UMNO tie-up. A generous guess is it keeps 17 seats. That's just  7.7% of Parliament.

Sabah's habit of changing governments is endemic. The 14 UMNO seats could see at least a 50-50 split between UMNO and BERSATU. That's if  "zinc and water tanks" politics continue to be played this time around. The 8 remaining Parliamentry seats could  be very local-orientated and stay with de facto BN. So BN keeps 15 seats, which is  60% of Sabah's total Parliamentry contribution.

Sarawak has lately been loudly sounding "separatist", helped by acrimony and a childish cabinet quarrel about tourism.  Having zero UMNO presence means none of the UMNO spin there.  But their quarrel is inter-federation. Their 25 Parliamentry seats could be up for grabs to whoever wins Parliament next time. That's a nice 11% of Parliament.

It's about  the" gran' ol' party" - UMNO.

Once upon a time, it was the gentleman UMNO, of Malay school teachers, urban Malay government servants, and Malay rural folks who were happy with their modest lot, because they knew no better. The omnipresent UMNO displays and repetitive UMNO sounds meant that they went to sleep at night, and got up in the morning, with UMNO's sight & sound. Little personal difficulties and daily personal hardship were never related to what the government was, or wasn't doing. UMNO had won Independence. The Malays are rulers in the "Malay Land".  The head-of-Islam rulers are Malays. We should be ever so grateful. And this rosy-painted sentiment  had culminated with the resounding 90.5% Parliamentry win in 2004, UMNO's best performance. 

But that was then.

Since 2013 a few things happened. 

The print and tv-radio newsmedia  has been completely overwhelmed by electronic social media.  Everybody has instant access to  news, true or fake. The younger, better educated population is able to spread  the word to their older, less educated kith &  kin, novel ideas clashing with old  beliefs.

Rumour-mongering is fun. Tedious letter-writing and laborious 'phone calls give way to total control at the fingertips. 

Then the 1MDB fiasco exploded.

And Najib & co. went into war mode.

1MDB requires a whole protocol  to expound. Suffice it here is to say  the zillions going around only flabbergast everyone and contaminate everything -  UMNO,  the government, and  the very concept of decency itself. 

In a relatively short 12 years UMNO has managed to convert its most handsome Parliamentry victory  into a stinking mess. The no. 2 man in the country and the the no.1 man in Kedah were discarded like garbage, all for asking questions on 1MDB. The deafening silence of the UMNO rank-and-file has never been seen before. The party is now not even a pale shadow of its historic past. The keris in its sheath is useless. It's obvious the party is now full of spineless sychophants and strangely subdued lackeys. Well fed, obviously.

In the government,  good people are summarily removed, and strange appointees replaced familiar faces. All semblence of good governance is nonchalantly  discarded.  Audit & other Parliamentry reports are covered up. Hard questions are ignored. Whistle-blowers are arrested.  Wrong-doings are denied. And most of  all,  our intelligence  is absolutely  insulted by the sheer stupidity of the yarn  offered as they try to deflect, deviate from, and deny the public outcry. 

GST was supposed to replace sales tax, and "3.8" Mat Maslan on live tv said "GST will reduce prices" with a straight face. 

The weak ringgit means imports cost more. The mounting national debt means all costs would be eventually more. And the government's guarantee of 1MDB's  loans would end up on top of all these   costs.

So out of the 74 Parliamentry seats UMNO secured from the Peninsula states, how many would remain ? Remember, 51 seats are in Felda areas where Isa made such a mess in 4 "shorty"  years that Najib had to remove him abruptly. Let's say 50% is lost. That leaves 37 seats. With 7 from Sabah, UMNO would have 44. That's less than 20% of Parliament.

The rakyat deserves a better government. A new one looks highly likely.


Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Malay trump card for UMNO lovers?

Wed 5/7/17.

Scaring the rural Malays into voting for UMNO because otherwise the Chinese (meaning DAP) would rule Malaysia seems to be the trump card for UMNO lovers. 

This has been going on for sometime now, uttered publicly by no less than Najib himself on more than one occassion. Having said so many unclever things lately, trying to save his skin, I just laughed this off, until this morning. Molod called and said the government pensioners' group in Seremban is going around repeating after Najib.  I gave an expletive. C'mon, man !   These were very senior government servants who should have good heads on their shoulders !

Parliament has 222 seats. To gain power, a party must win at least 112 seats. DAP won 39 seats in the last GE, the most they have ever won.  The COMBINED opposition won between 15 to 53 seats for each of the previous 11 GE's. How the hell can DAP become the ruling party?

NS has 8 Parliamentry seats. The 2 Chinese dominated seats went to DAP in 2013.  They should carry these 2 for the forseeable future, but that's it.

Playing to the Chinese in front of MCA & Gerakan  saying one thing, and playing to the rural Malays and saying the opposite, UMNO leaders are really stretching it. Seems like they're scared stiff of one very old man!

Malay ex-civil servants are not running for office, they're too old. But they should still have their marbles. Unless their brains are scrambled. Look at the facts lah, don't just repeat the stupid spin !
