The incorrigible problem with UMNO is the "bodek" culture when dealing with the current crop of leaders. The bodek crowd always jump up when they think somebody is attacking the President.
The case in point is when Mahathir said the party will change horses if the President doesn't deliver. Then bodek stalwarts then jump up in anger at "the bad timing" of such strong statements. They miss the point - warnings must be given before the calamity become real.
There is no evidence after all these years that Mahathir wants to destroy the party. He's trying very hard to save the party by calling a spade a spade. If Muhyiddin didn't respond to his urging in 2008, Dollah would still be in charge and burying the party deeper into crap. He's doing what no one in the party dare do - warn the boss before it's too late. He's not bothered by what other people think of him or his "legacy".
It's the song, you idiots, not the singer !
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