Monday, March 25, 2013

The song, you idiots ! not the singer !


The incorrigible problem with UMNO is the "bodek" culture when dealing with the current crop of leaders. The bodek  crowd always jump up  when they think somebody is attacking the President. 

The case in point is when Mahathir said the party will change horses if the President doesn't deliver. Then bodek  stalwarts then jump up in anger at "the bad timing"  of such strong statements. They miss the  point - warnings must be given before the calamity become real.

There is no evidence after all these years that Mahathir wants to destroy the party.  He's trying very hard to save the party by calling a spade a spade. If Muhyiddin didn't respond to his urging in 2008, Dollah would still be in charge and burying the party deeper into crap. He's doing what no one in the party  dare do - warn the boss before it's too late.  He's not bothered by what other people think of him or his "legacy". 

It's the song, you idiots, not the singer !


Monday, March 18, 2013



At short notice, at 12.30 p.m. about 250 of us gathered in the Dewan Semantan at the Perbadanan Putrajaya to hear the TPM and have lunch with him, courtesy of the Perbadanan and thanks to Aseh, the current boss. This was a political gathering, made up of the Wilayah Persekutuan's Mubarak, Veteran UMNO and Ex-Senior Officers' UMNO Club's charters.

As usual Muhyiddin was late, whatever the excuse. As usual the unnecessarily long  doa was read, by the Putrajaya Mosque's Imam, and the host, Aseh, and the convening chairman, Sulaiman, followed with their respective opening speeches. Mercifully the speeches were to the point and short. We should learn to cut the address to the shortest one possible. I don't think the Tan Sris and the Datuks mind if you don't single them out by name !

Muhyiddin's speech before the so-called "dialogue" was also relatively short, by political speeches' standards. Much of what was said was a rehash of most of what has been said elsewhere before, anyway. What was disappointing was the very short time given for the "dialogue".

The five speakers (yes, five ) separately spoke of:
i. The contradicting assessments of the support for BN in Kelantan. Muhyiddin said there is increasing support shown by the  large turnouts in the last several months at BN leaders' visits. 
ii. The significant numbers of party veterans and the officers' club's members suggest the highly likely victory for BN for Wilayah Persekutuan. Muhyiddin said not to be carried away by numbers. 
iii. One particular Teacher's association plea for funds. Muhyiddin said he has not heard about it, so they can officially request for it.
iv. The Bandar Tun Razak's delegate asked to cut through the divisional bickering about candidates and put someone other than the Ketua Bahagian. Muhyiddin replied all careful considerations must be made.
v. The last one was to get UMNO and PAS to work together. Muhyiddin said it's too late for GE 13, plus PAS is in deep shit among themselves right now.

I didn't, but could have posed the rethorical question:
"Tan Sri, we all know that you were instrumental in getting Dollah to step down as quickly as he did. Looking at GE 11 (2004) and GE 12 (2008) how was it possible that BN won 90% in Parliament in 2004, but lost it's two-third majority only four years later ?  What has UMNO specifically learned from the 2008 debacle, and what has it specifically done to put things right ?"

These big gatherings may be good pr and all that. The important thing is to get the votes.  Convincing voters would. They don't attend big gatherings to be convinced. The convincing must be done in small groups. The majority of voters have made up their minds if the GE is held tomorrow. But there is a sizeable portion that is waiting for the last word. Whoever gets to give it will get the vote.


Sunday, March 17, 2013

Another 2013 wedding.


Last Saturday evening we all trooped into  Dewan Perdana Felda for Nor Shaari's son's wedding. The wedding dais was stunning, the entire hall was tastefully laid out, and the rather long evening went nicely and nobody left early. Almost all the "budak-boys" came in 'baju Melayu" and everyone was talking at the same time, as if to make up for lost time. Maybe the dinner was served late, but it was good fare and I saw all the plates on my table cleaned.

Shaari had 'phoned me twice and sent his invitation,too. Plus, my "besan" Suhaili, sms'ed saying there was a card for me, from her sister, Suhaila, Shaari's ex, the mother of the groom. I'd have come even without the card - Shaari attended all three of my children's nuptials. This was Shaari's first kenduri, if I'm not mistaken.

Hank, Sha, Lion, Matsham, Matnor Gear, Nazri, Hashim Bulat, "Early Thursday" (Khamis Awal) and many more old chums were there  and I spoke with some and just waved to others, and old memories flooded  back. How long, how very long ago was it that we were teenagers trying to cram in schooling and  forming friendship and learning new stuff, such as girls, all at once. 

You see the faces and see how time has passed - most faces are still recognizable, but some have succumbed to marching time. Thick hair has thinned, or disappeared entirely. black has turned white, though Hank's seemed to have been given a new lease of life.  Stout frames have shrunk, but some shrunken ones have grown. But for the evening only happiness seemed to be etched on all faces, and that was how it was supposed to be. 

I told Dato' Ibrahim at my table ( not a "budak boy") these are the times that we meet again in numbers. We had different careers, moved separate ways and grew different circles. But always there is that lasting memory of the young years  decades ago. We cling to the memory, but we move on. Ah! the joy of youth!

Now we see the next generation we brought out ourselves, and ponder at their futures. What memories would they, in turn, carry ? I'm sure we have given our best efforts, but it's a fast-moving world  that waits for no one, and they  must keep pace or be left behind. I hope in their rush, our children would occasionaly pause and remember the old folks and what they stood for and what they tried to do.  Time shouldn't change that. Hank's hair may change, but this shouldn't.

Anyway, congratulations, Nor Shaari.


Thursday, March 7, 2013

Sabah armed terrorists : conclusion ?


It started almost a month ago , on the 12th. of February. The end is in sight, hopefully.  The PM had arrived , finally.

I received some disturbing pictures of our slain uniformed men - with gory beheading and horrifying head and facial injuries. I'm reminded about what barbaric acts  men can do to each other in the  name of their chosen cause, lost, stupid or insane. I hope the PM remembers these pictures when deciding about what to do at the  end the conflict.

I'm no general, of the armchair variety, or any variety. But I'm entitled to my opinion. I've said something in an earlier posting, and I'm adding to that here.

The lives of our security forces have been lost. How many now ?  No updated figures have  been clearly mentioned. The tv news have come from the news slot.  What happened to the "breaking news" style so effective when the western media updated the world on the Japanese tsunami, for example. Is it because of a news blackout so the terrorists' won't know our forces' plans ? The public has the right to know the latest situation on such a grave matter. The terrorists could hardly be watching tv ! 

Can we get either one of the police or army head to speak up and not get in each other's way, and please refer to some notes to get rid of the "um, er, apa nama" etc. And you keep forgetting "Batu" from "Tanjung Batu" like it's a Latin word or something. These two buggers don't look  very convincing. Maybe it's the way they put on the berets. They use "rojak" language, are not precise with the facts, and look in need of some p.r. savvy.  This is very deadly serious business, do some very deadly serious news work here.

Being wise after the event, could our people's lives have been spared?  Who did the first assessment of the situation when the armed intrusion  was first discovered ?  The east coast of Sabah  has been a  porous  border since the very beginning. Remember the Lahad Datu incident many years ago, when about 100 armed foreigners marched in town ? Didn't we learn something then, and maybe  beef up our border patrol ?

Now the "Sultan" wants disengagement after butchering  our people? For once the PM has got it right by saying "no way."  Make every one of the   captured terrorists pay for his crimes. 

They are burning the PM's photos in Manila. For protecting his country from invadors ? 

In the mean time, I still say that the Home Minister and the Defence Minister both must answer the hard questions or quit. Better still, quit anyway. That might be the cheapest first step  towards improving both Ministries.


Monday, March 4, 2013

Another note on GE 13


We continue to debate on the date for the imminent GE 13, and the chances for BN to retain power. In fact last week right before our foursome teed off at S.I.G.C. the argument got so heated Guzal challanged me to a rm 500 wager. He picked the opposition. 

Many are saying the 19 UMNO seats in NS should ensure that the present administration continues, with 36 seats in the State Assembly. Others have said to me that Perak is 50-50, as is Selangor. Kelantan and Pulau Pinang would be difficult, but Johore, Pahang, Melaka, and Terengganu should be retained by BN.  Kedah might be recaptured. Sabah and Sarawak would be interesting, especially Sabah with the current armed insurgency crisis.

My take is that the under-40's would be difficult to second-guess.  I told Chan this morning, before this,  wearing   black for the Chinese  was for "mourning" and frowned upon for daily attire. Today the Chinese youth purposely wear it for fashion. Who knows how the young votes would go. 

The key is the number of seats each political party would contest. BN would obviously field all 222 seats in Parliament and every seat in the State Assemblies. The opposition has to contest in at least 120 seats in Parliament to have any hope of forming the government.

PAS has always been enjoying its core of loyal supporters, and not much more. A few tested seats would remain with it, but forming the Federal government is a distant dream. Kelantan is a different kettle of fish. Many of the Kelantanese working in other states remain voters in their own state, and they take the trouble to return to vote. The one thing they want to make sure is to retain a "Malay" government in  an "Islamic" state, even if  Kelantan suffers.

PKR is Anwar - without him it has no cause. Many supporters come from the ranks of disappointed UMNO people,  although we also have disappointed MCA/MIC runaways. The question is, is Anwar a credible leader ? For right-thinking Malaysians, the question that has to be asked is  about moral fibre and political opportunism. Certainly political leaders have changed positions before. Maybe they become wiser. But there is a process to it. They don't change completely overnight, from the no. 2 position of UMNO spewing anti-DAP anti-PAS insults, to an anti-UMNO hate monger. Sure, politics have strange bed-fellows, but I would be extra wary sleeping with Anwar ! And pardon the pun,  I'd watch my backside ! 

The federal and state legislatures run out of time pretty soon. We'll see if I win rm 500 from Guzal. I promised half to  Muhsin who witnessed the debate.


Sunday, March 3, 2013

Doctors and lawyers, and all the rest.


My niece, Nora, was supposed to be engaged that day. Her mother, my sister Dek Mah, had asked me to "officiate" and the prior instructions were that the visit by her future in-laws should simply be turned into a betrothal. I cautioned about normal practises, but conceded to Nora's wishes to "simplify" things. We didn't make allowance  for a mother's wish from the other party.

No simplification here. The proposing family wants a separate ceremony for an engagement. What could I say ? 

My wife said I did ok. The important thing is that both sides are amicable. If both sides want it earlier, or later, they can communicate about it. 

The immediate problem is that Nora is about to be transferred to Sarawak. The boy is still in Indonesia, completing his internship. They were initially together, but while Nora went on to complete her M.B.B.S., he switched to dentistry. I suggested that Nora submit this engagement thing for JPA's reconsideration about the Sarawak posting she prefers not to have.

In the preamble to the earnest discussion that afternoon, the inquisitive brother-in-law was asking where each of the other sisters was. He volunteered  the information about being an engineer himself, and that other members of the entourage were lawyers etc. That seemed to be the tone - we're all professionals here ! The future father-in-law has his long-time G.P. practice,too. In fact eventually we discovered that he knows my brother, Dr. Din, from their U.M. 2nd college days. Small world, I said.

This is the style now - showing off your "doctors, engineers and lawyers".  Whatever makes people  happy, I guess.


The Sabah security situation.


It's always "everything's under control." Right now, after seven of our policemen died, it doesn't look that way. How many more would die for "everything's under control" ?. 

Maulud says what we need is a fleet of helicopter gunships. But I said we have spent too much money on the two submarines. They are not too much help right now.

How can this be ? A group of foreign armed bandits walk into a village and hold our security forces at bay for  days. Where's the army ? The Ministers of Home Affairs, Defence and Foreign Affairs must come forward  and clarify the situation. The Home Minister has long been known to be long on wind and short on guts. Count him out. What about the other two ?

We are supposed to be a sovereign nation with a large enough army,  we allowed a minor intrusion like this to test our defences ? What if it was a full blown foreign military invasion ? 

How safe are our borders ?

The PM must come clean and shake out the failing Ministers, before more lives are lost, not just  face is lost. Face is gone ! 
