Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Matrimony (2)


The latest I heard from Idah was that Fauziah is not taking it lying down. Too bad. Marital problems started from Adam. The ways spouses have gone through them are as many as the causes that started it all in the first place. 

There are basically only two approaches open - the good, amicable and positive way, with the hope that the worst is over, and life goes on. Or the bad, acrimonious and negative way, with the intention of doing maximum damage and inflicting revenge. The choice is simple if reason prevails, but difficult if not. Whatever it is, action, as they  say, speaks louder than words. And remember,too, that it must have been too much of one and too little of the other that had caused the boat to rock from some point before.

In the first place, one should look at the immediate proposition. The fact that the "proper" legal process has been intiated should be given credit. It's not the often seen summary dismissal thrown out in anger and to hell with it. It has been deliberate because it is not something to be taken lightly. And from what I hear, the initial terms aren't horrible, and can be used as the starting point. 

You are not out to make a quick buck here, for heaven's sake. Provision for marital separation is provided for in the Holy Book, and making a civilised move to have this very private matter settled in an open court must have been a very heavy decision for the initiator. For whatever its worth, this should be appreciated. Secondly, one should resolve to move forward. 

At this point reconciliation must be the furthest thing from their minds. But the alternatives are many, and the good ones plenty. I don't expect anyone to be noble here, but hey, we're not ignorant, are we ? Anyone in his right mind would suggest an amicable end to this sad saga. Anyone who even considers, much less utter anything less has to be out of his freakin' mind. Again, I pray that the couple seeks His Guidance. 

Please find peace, and hopefully the happiness that seem hard to get now. It's never impossible.   Have faith.  Do the right thing. 


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