Since Najib is not leading Malaysia in protesting the illegitimate war by the so-called Coalition Forces on Libya, I register mine here.
I note to-day that some Indonesian Muslim groups, but not the Government, have also rather belatedly gone on the streets to voice their condemnation of the undeclared war on Libya by the so-called democratic Coalition Forces of US & NATO. This makes it only the second country to protest, following the conditional protestations by Turkey.
Why Malaysia has not done so is to me not only disappointing, but downright cowardly. Are we 1.6 billion Muslims of the world quite happy to stand idle and just watch the anti-Islam powers of the world use the slightest excuse to crush Muslim countries they fear or despise, while we're safe and smug far from the scene of this international crime ? And to highlight their balatant hypocrisy, at the very same time Israel was pounding Gaza with missiles, killing innocent civilians, there's not a word from them, or from the UN about it.
True Muslims will not condone all the evil deeds perpetrated by the bad leaders of the Islamic countries in question. In fact the syari'ah encourages bad leaders to be replaced. The basic issues of allowing freedom of expression, provision of the basic creature comforts for the citizenary, high unemployment rates and high costs of living, and proper representation of the people in the government of the day are said to be the root causes of these uprisings, and the syari'ah allows for corrective action. This must come from the people, and every encouragement should be given for both the oppressed to strive for them, and the culprits to repent or be replaced.
But to drop bombs and inflict death and destruction to prove a point of view, with no regard for innocent lives and public safety, and the fact that nations have certain diplomatic rights and deserve minimum due process, is certainly neither a civilised nor a convincing way of selling western democracy. It does not make the attacker in any way superior in his posture, or more honourable in his proposition.
The fact of unchecked military atrocities carried out by the descendents of the victims of the European holocaust on the true owners of the land, and the delayed and ineffective military intervention by European countries on the genocide committed right in their midst during the Bosnian war, is stark proof of the anti-Islam weightage in their value system.
The argument seems to be that Muslims are causing trouble everywhere, and Muslim countries must be cut to size whenever and wherever possible. In the long run, both Islamic teaching and practice must be diluted, if not completely removed, from "mainstream" life.
In this age of instant news, what can be more devastating than the instantaneous relaying of sounds and pictures, horrendous images of the savagery of conflict. Commentaries from bedraggled victims and partisan reporters alike must be horrifying to those watching their tv sets in the comfort of their homes. But news sell, and bad news obviously sell better.
I hope these rebelling Arabs in the end get their legitimate wishes , with or without outside help. But I also hope they don't accept any suggestion that their political and economic transformation is compatible only with western values. I hope that they have not forgotten the long and rich Islamic traditions that originated from the Prophet Abraham right down to Jesus before Muhammad, all of whom Islam considers as among the Chosen Prophets to be revered. Let Muslims the world over also remember, that while Islamic countries welcomed and gave protection to fleeing Jews , when Nazi and Christian Germany was murdering them by the millions, the current Christian Governments in Germany, Switzerland and Denmark have pointedly illegalize Islamic attire and architecture !
And the US, created 300 years ago as a new home for those running away from the religious persecution of Europe, right this minute is making deliberations in their legislative houses to make Islamic practices illegal. Our silent protestation is the weakest of our piety.