Was I right about Tenang or what ?
Chong Kim Yew said last week "not sure yet" when I said BN will win. I told him BN will win because it's BN vs PAS, not PKR. And Johore is not Kelantan.
In the subsequent campaigning that I followed on the internet, I read that PAS initiated the personal attack on the BN candidate. Unfortunately, ex-Cikgu "Malang" (it's Mala) appeared to have a lot of skeletons in her cabinet, and they were fodder for the BN counter-attack - her dismal academic qualifications, her past job, her two marriages, and her leave-cheating husband, to name a few.
There's the Malay saying that PAS forgot -
"slandering the prawn, the nail worn,
slandering others, I'm worse!"
("Mengata udang paku serepih, mengata orang aku yang lebih").
I saw on tv the post-election panel talking about BN needing to do this and that before the next big one ; to change tactics and go for substance.
Well, it's not BN. It's the people, the electorate. What makes them take notice ? As can be seen in the support given by the Chinese ballot, race is still a factor. The Indians, for whatever reasons, seem to have returned to BN. The Malays are split into 3 - BN, PAS and PKR. Local issues, even old and seemingly minor ones, matter. Personality matters. In fact the juicier the stories, the better.
Unlike the "good old days", now good candidates are important, the party less so.
PAS is just another political party, and what it says about Islam is not, well, Gospel. It has made too many U-turns about too many things: about women candidates, working with non-Muslims, even the strict implementation of hudud. In fact, in order to get votes and win elections, PAS has gone further than UMNO in doing some things that even UMNO has not done in spite of its long association with MCA and MIC.
PKR was born out of one man's frustration with the UMNO that initially brought him "from the cold", but then put him back there again. What can you say of followers who just want to follow ? Even Ayah Pin with his absurd "Kingdom of the Sky" has his followers, as was the case with the late Ashaari's "Darul Arqam". How many deviant teachings have been found, and how can these people not see the phony teachings ? NS once said there were 54 deviants in the state. It's up to the thinking man to think.
Many UMNO people are crooks, too. But all in all the party has done something for the country. Don't throw the baby with the bath water. It's not a one-man party. Everybody in it should learn from the the mistakes made and the weaknesses exposed. Erring members should be culled. If the apple-polishers and opportunists and the bad hats are not uncovered and disposed of, then BN will continue to grind out the same superficial and tiresome propaganda that the tv panel suggested should be replaced. With substance.
Like the next bye-election in Merlimau.