Wednesday, November 3, 2010

This & that, again.


Early in the morning Idah sms'd saying it's raining very heavily in Makkah and it's flooding ! That's news indeed. The last time I saw a picture of the Holy Mosque being flooded must have been an old National Geographic photo somewhere, or a faded picture in someone's house. I hoped Idah took some photos, though that's not the concern now - it's her safety, but she said she's OK. This afternoon the dates she said she posted from Medinah arrived by courier. I don't know when she actually sent the parcel, but the Port Kelang stamp is for 19th. October. In fact she also included one prayer mat, some pistacios and another variety of nuts, two bags of which were burst, no doubt from the gentle Arabian handling. Also received this afternoon were two MPS cheques for the return of the deposits for the two facilities that were supposed to be used next month, but is now cancelled, but that is another story. 

I made a quick visit to Guardian Pharmacy at Centre Point for some supplements replenishments, and met Ika, Amar Din's only daughter, with her bf. I teased her  with "the same one ah?" because I've met the couple a couple (what else) of times before, but these beaus all look alike to me, you know, the greasy hair, the low-slung long shorts, and the lost look. She said she has one more semester for her QS degree course from UM. As the cashier was waiting for the slow line for the card clearance, I mentioned that Seremban has internet problems , and some people have switched to Maxis, and Ika said they have done that. To my question she said dad doesn't do much surfing because he doesn't bother to learn the set up. I took the opportunity to give her my blog address and ask that she comments.

I've done some "spring cleaning" in my den. I told Pak Itam he should see how much garbage I've accumulated. Not wanting some "sensitive" documents to scatter about around the dustbins outside, I set up a small bonfire and managed to singe half the garden plants Idah so lovingly cultivates. I hope the 26 days left before her return would be enough time to hide the evidence. 

There's been a problem lately about signing in into my Geni website. Dekna won't help, but no.2 son said it's because I have not visited it for too long. But just now, while going through my e mail and spotting a Geni posting I pottered around and somehow managed to get back into my site. I saw Dr. Noordin Keling's comments made almost one year ago. And I replied. From now on I must make regular visits to keep the account open.

The bye-elections come to an end in a few days' time. Looks like it's BN for Batu Sapi and touch-and-go for Galas. Hak Tam and I have agreed to a draw, so that's 5 dollars saved. 

Meanwhile I understand some people say Rosmah is now Acting Premier. But it's better put in Malay - "Pemangku P.M." I thought she's done that a long time ago. Clinton (the wife) is in town. Will she meet Anwar ? Lee Ban Hong said no one can stop her. I said this is an official visit and she should respect the sentiments of her host. But if she can tolerate her husband's hanky panky, she can tolerate Anwar. But then again, there's no account for taste. 


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