We always call it "Raya Haji." This common sobriquet conveys the more colourful mental image to me than the more pedantic "Aid il Adha." Even "Raya Korban" is less a mouthful. It's the second "Raya" the Muslims celebrate each year. Arguably it's less "fun", but it carries different but equally important connotations.
This year it carried extra meaning to me. It's the first time since I got married 39 years ago that I "celebrated" a "Raya" without my wife. She's in the Holy Land.
We've been keeping in touch daily, thanks to the mobile phone, though I had to remind her to stick to the cheaper sms. So I knew about the heavy rains and the 3 million pilgrims. I have also kept her abreast with important news item, important to her, that is - the passing of an old friend and neighbour in Damansara Utama, news of the children's activities and so forth.
When I went in 1983, and when my parents went even earlier,we had to rely on the written post. In fact I wrote to my late father so often tha he said his jemaah friends were jealous. One reason my letters received prompt delivery, I believe, was because I used Arabic letters on the envelopes ("Jawi").
To-day was the last of the 3 days of the "casting of the stones" at the three pillars normally performed by Malaysian pilgrims - the "nafar thani" - when many others leave for Makkah from Mina after the first day - the "nafar awwal." So this Asr this third day of the Eid was the last time we recited the "takbir" at the end of the five compulsory daily prayers or "solat".
All the married boys, and Dekna , my daughter, came back for the Eid. No. 3 the bachelor son was MIA. Yesterday, the second day of Eid, he finally took the time to acknowledge my existence by sending an sms saying he's tied with work. I assume that he was working through the holidays, which I find hard to swallow, but I give him the benefit of doubt, though he has been untruthful before. When he gets married and has a son who does it to him he'll probably feel what I'm feeling now. But he's forgiven all the same. Just blame it on youth.
Meanwhile Idah says she has completed the rituals and is now back in her accomodations in Makkah. Just now I told her that we'd just repaired Dekna's car, and that she should relax and not do the "tawaf" anymore, until the farewell or "tawaf wida'." She said her return flight is as per original schedule. That's another 9 days.