29 th. Olympiad, Beijing.
One American swimmer, Phelps, won 11 golds. Malaysia won 1 silver. A number of African atheletes were bought over by Arab and other countries and have won medals for their new host nations. Even Singapore, not known for its sporting prowess ( in fact not known for being sporting) managed to put up a show by parading their imported sportsmen. Maybe this is the way to go, these games.
During the closing ceremonies ask Tunku Imran to carry the flag, followed by the officials. At least that way they work for their trip.
Wedding receptions.
'Tis the wedding season - what with the school holidays and the approaching Ramadan. Most hosts resort to putting up canvas tents and setting buffet lunches in the sweltering midday heat. So guests mostly quickly pile their food plates high, consume about half of the food, and hightail it back to their air-conned cars without bothering to see the blessed couples. The wedded pairs might as well have been dressed in singlets and sarong.
The one air-conned hall available, MPS, is booked to 2010. The new air-conned hall in the form of an indoor stadium lies unused away in Nilai, one world away. So much for thoughtful planning. Last heard, the white elephant is looking for a sucker to buy it.
Permatang Pauh.
BN might as well give up the seat. Anwar may be guilty as sin. That's not going to stop the voters. In Malaysian politics, truth doesn't count. Perception does.
The UMNO elections.
After 5 months, UMNO leaders are still talking as if they won the last GE. Worse, UMNO members can't seem to be bothered. At the Branches' meetings, the AJK Bahagian assigned to officiate these meetings don't come prepared to discuss the aftermath of the 12 GE disaster. Instead they mumble the usual stupid, meaningless platitudes that have been uttered countless times in the past, thinking the branch members are as stupid as they are. It seems like business as usual. I assured them at one of these meetings that if this state of affairs remain, they can just wait for UMNO's complete demise in the next GE.
The state of the economy.
Who's minding the store ?
The inflation rate is at its highest in 20 years. Prices are all going up. The ringgit is weakening. Interest rates are going up. Businessmen are complaining.
Who's minding the store?
Dear Zam,
You have a mixed bag really which shows that your multi-tasking side of the brain is really working.
2. Unlike Hank who's hooked to the Birds whether shit or not, he doesn't fancy politics coz we hated politicians, including you when you were state assemblyman, not for now.
3. Are you sure our price-index is the worst in the last decade? Where did you get the stats? Maybe you can bring the rabbit out of the hat, which would be another bag of tricks or treats.
4. As for the economy, even the buffaloes in the "Sawahs" can smell the dung, no need to have JL Hanson or Milton Friedman to tell you that everyone's suffering. But as to answer who's minding the store, better ask Khairy Jamaludin, perhaps it's the Mullah from Coromandel.
I love you, Bro.
As for Hank, "to each his own" as they say.
Not all politicians are bad. Some are not THAT bad.
If you check the HANSARDS of the NS Dewan Undangan Negeri 1995 - 1999, you would find my speeches which were all delivered by me from written notes. I can assure you that you won't find any crap in them. That was one of the reasons why Isa Samad kicked me out.
I love you, Bro.
As for Hank, "to each his own" as they say.
Not all politicians are bad. Some are not THAT bad.
If you check the HANSARDS of the NS Dewan Undangan Negeri 1995 - 1999, you would find my speeches which were all delivered by me from written notes. I can assure you that you won't find any crap in them. That was one of the reasons why Isa Samad kicked me out.
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