Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The Anwar opera continues ....


Everyone should remain calm in the latest Anwar episode. Let the Court of Law try the case, not the media circus. The leaked medical report is from one doctor. It needs corroboration - in critical cases second and even third opinions is normal, plus expert opinion,too.

That Pusrawi doctor could be only a GP. The examination could be superficial. Saiful's anus may be large. Anwar's penis may be small. There are many possibilities. Anwar will of course reject all other findings as concocted. That, as we all know by now, is to be expected. What suits him is OK, what doesn't is" cooked up". The truth is Anwar is cooked ! 

Remember the Lingam tapes ? Now what about the numerous tapes on him - they are all false, too ? And the past judgments - some went his way, like the "50 dalil" case, and that's OK. Many more went against him - those are corrupt judges.

Just look at his actions on this latest alleged sodomy case. Action speaks louder than words. Running away in the middle of the night and claiming death threats smells fishy. Death threats ? And so soon after he waded into the crowds nonchalantly. 

But then Anwar has a history of lying. He said the Turkish Embassy called him. The Embassy later said it was Anwar who called. In the corruption case 10 years ago when convicted he denied homosexual activity, but the majority finding by the sitting judges was otherwise. When in jail he claimed life-threatening neck problems and always wore neck braces for the cameras, but between KL and Germany in the plane he must have found a miracle cure, because he forgot about the cameras there that showed him walking down without his neck braces,and hasn't mentioned the neck problem since. In fact a tape at the Ijok bye-election showed him happily dancing on the stage. 

He's saying now that UMNO is rotten, but seems to have forgotten he was in UMNO from 1982 to 1998, his last position being the no. 2 man. So what was he doing while in power? What can he do now without power ? 

The Malays will believe what they want to believe. You tell them "Labu peram" will make them rich, and they'll sell their own mothers to invest without thinking twice. But you tell them smoking is bad and they just laugh. 

Because Dollah  is bad the Malays are turning away from UMNO, and Anwar seems refreshing by comparison. USA is leading the West in condemning the Government in this latest episode. We can protest all we want. The whole world protested against the Iraq invasion, but that didn't stop the US. You think our complains of interference will stop them ? 

Malaysians, on the other hand, had better think carefully. This is a man who's determined to wrest political power for himself, even if it wrecks the country. Let sanity rule and we know what Anwar stands for. In our hour of despair because of the imbecile leading the country right now, the one-eyed man is not king. We have choices. Just tell our UMNO friends to dump Dollah and put someone with some brains in power instead. God save us all !



abdulhalimshah said...

Dear Zam,
Dont be too hard on the old man. I think if you were in his position, you could not have done any better. Anwar is only a human being, albeit a weird one who perhaps found his torso accidentally bumped into someone's backside unintentionally and thus being accused of indecent behaviour. In this world of many imperfections, we should be forgiving, after all Islam teaches it's followers to think good only of others and forgive them for their indiscretions!

maarofkassim said...

Your view of Anwar is exactly the same way I view him. Unfortunate there are millions of Malaysians out there who do not. Pity the lost souls!