Friday, July 4, 2008

Truths and perceptions thereof.


In the last few days there has been a barrage of press statements, statutory declarations, allegations and counter allegations, and pronouncements, both of the domestic and international types, that have inundated us until we are probably all quite confused as to who is telling the truth. It seems if the scenario is the work of someone, it's clever. But I doubt that. I think all this is because of the state of utter loss resulting from a situation of "government by default"  unwittingly practised by the incumbent political leadership, and I use the word "leadership"  loosely.

What are the facts ?
1. The present government had just been given a bloody good pasting in the GE, and hasn't come to terms with it. 
2. Instead of taking the drastic measures required to tackle the obvious issues made glaringly clear by that GE, the PM has repeatedly taken one ill-advised decision after another to make matters worse: 
           a. Filled his Cabinet with people who can't help him either because they are unjustifiable choices, inexperienced or plain stupid.
             b. Continue to make unpopular and less than clever decisions when more acceptible ones are available. 
            c. Continue to make no attempt at real leadership, in fact often content to let subordinates speak for him even when he is present.
 3. "Opposition" elements are simply taking full advantage of the pandemonium. We have seen the RPK declaration. We have seen everybody's statements on the alleged wrongdoings of Mahathir, from former and present judges, former and present Cabinet Ministers , and of course former political opponents. 

Mahathir's has made spirited rebuttals.

We have seen the PI declaration on Najib, and its subsequent withdrawl. 

We have seen the claims and counter-claims in the latest Anwar shenanigans. We have seen the Turkish ambassador's denial of Anwar's claim, and the US acceptance of the same. 

Can we afford more Tribunals and Commissions for all these? All these claims are not made easily. The authors must believe them. They cannot all be speaking the truth - someone must be lying. We should only hope that they can live with their conscience.

In Anwar's case, we should in fact extend our symphathies to his immediate family because truth or otherwise they have to see him every morning. As the Malay saying goes "heavy, the eyes see, heavier, the shoulders bear ". If Anwar and his family believe in God, then they know that He is the Ultimate Adjudicator. Anwar cannot hoodwink Him. The rest of us must live with our own perceptions of truth, knowing full well that it comes in many hues.


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