This posting is two days late - I've been running around repairing my 1989 300SE Mercedes and my 1994 Volvo 940, both very old but up to now still very reliable jalopies. I've stopped the bleeding on the Volvo, but may have to do a major surgery on the other car.
That was quite a performance put up by Dollah at PWTC. The interesting thing was he admitted to several things, forgetting that he'd already commented on them rather differently before this.
No. 1 was that BN actually had lost badly. Before this he said BN hadn't.
No2 was that he's "lembik". Before this he said "no such thing".
No 3 was that Mahathir, Ku Li and Anwar are all influential. Before this he dismissed them as inconsequential, espcially Anwar.
But he denied that he and all the MKT are all stupid, that KJ is not the only intelligent guy around him.
Attacking Mahathir, Ku Li and Anwar by mostly alleging their failures in the past was pathetic.So you are saying if I have failed, they have also failed ? If they have indeed failed in the past, where were you at that point of time ? If they have failed, how massive were the failures compared to your failures ? If they have failed, how often have they failed, and how often have they not failed ?
Mahathir was in charge for 22 years of the 50 years of Independence. Ku Li brought almost half of the old UMNO when forming the S46. Anwar is potentially more powerful than Dollah at the moment. You can't begin to compare yourself with them in your 4 years in power, and that, too, put there by Mahathir.
When Mahathir saved the old UMNO by reregistering UMNO Baru, it's a known that Dollah was wavering, to jump ship or not, but unlike Rais Yatim who burnt his bridges, Dollah the Lembik chickened out.
On the Judges and Ops Lalang, dig out the records, call a Royal Commission and find out the facts and figures. Dollah is, for the time being, still the PM, and although he doesn't have a 2/3 majority in Parliament, I'm sure the opposition will gladly support him in this case.
Dollah should get a more worthy Info Minister, who, on top of all his shortcomings, is clearly a liar. He spoke in perfect English on tv. When in an Australian court, he is on record as saying his English is of "standard 6" level, And remember, he lied to the Sultan of Selangor about his marrying his daughter !
The most fundamental explanation that Dollah is obligated to give to all UMNO members is that regarding the appointment of the two MB's - Perlis and Trengganu. This was not mentioned in the Majlis Penerangan. UMNO members are still in the "gelap".
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