Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Vaccines, drugs or what ?

 Wed. 7.7.2021.

I've already read the news about the negative side-effects of the vaccinations against Covid 19. Most tragic was about the 16-year old who had a cardiac arrest. I didn't finish reading it, it was too distressful, so I don't know what happened eventually.

Conflicting opinions about vaccination came from neighbours, from friends who have doctors in their families and from the social media. I didn't know who to believe.

Finally Tok Sleman made me register myself and I got my first dose, and that, too, was thanks to him. I didn't follow "My Sejahtera" and could very well have missed my appointment. He called that morning at 9 and for no apparent reason asked for my i.c. number. 5 minutes later he called back. "Your appointment at 10 today!". I just made it.

Idah also had at first decided not to have the vaccination. After I did mine, she changed her mind, and Dekna registered her. She had since got her first dose.

21 days after my 2nd dose, suddenly I had a fever and body aches. I still have them. There's no stregth in my fingers. I can't turn when I lay down to sleep, the pain is that bad. Sitting on the Throne takes a Herculean effort. For 2 days I skipped my bath. Nothing like this happened after the first dose.

2 days after me, Idah got the same symptoms, although she only had her first dose. Maybe different body types react differently. So the two of us took "Panadol" as advised. Both of us have lost the temperature, but the aches remain.

3 days ago Karim whatsapped me the speech by that doctor about the drug in use the last 20 years for deworming. He said this has been used in Bangladesh or somewhere and has reduced the fatality rate hugely. He claimed to have tried to convinve the Health DG to use this drug. He got around him some 200 doctors to support him. He even used some colourful language to decribe the DG's refusal to listen. He claimed that the vaccines as they now are no more than toxins. To become vaccines, 5 years of testing is the standard required, it seems. "Go ahead get your toxin if you want to" he taunted.

Like several other quarters, this doctor also played the profiteering pharmaceuticals and even the Jewish ghost in stacking up his vigourous support for the drug.

I think there is merit in considering this drug, because 201 doctors cannot be all wrong. "They went to school, too" as he said against the Health DG's refusal. Many countries have tried the drug with success. Profiteering Jewish pharmaceuticals aside, what's the harm in taking this up? And if it's true that WHO is curtailing the drug's production, then maybe we should look closely at what WHO is trying to do.

I can't wait 5 years for toxin to become vaccine. I'll take the chance. I only have this one lifetime. Idah shed tears just now, because only No. 2 Son has called to inquire about her health. I cautioned her about comparing the 4 of them. Each has his/her own way of showing concern. They are educated enough to know their reponsibilities to their still living parents. We have given them that education. We have set them up in good families. We should be happy with that. We are not in a hopeless situation ourselves, even without them. But the speech of that doctor, minus the bit of unnecessary colour, should get action from the government. We are talking about lives now, not votes. Parliament sits on 26th. Let's see what happens. In the mean time the DG, the health advisor, must not just sit.


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