Mon 7 Dec 2020.
Harun passed away at the HTJ Seremban Saturday night. He had a stroke about a week ago. Khamis sms'd his ward number (5A) but regretfully Hank advised we should obey the s.o.p. with the continuing Covid 19 cases especially here in Seremban, and hold our visit for the time being. Khamis had also mentioned that his elder brother had regained consciousness, though still in intensive care, which was one more reason to not disturb Harun yet. Alas, we misssed the visit.
Harun was one year my junior in age and in Royal Military College. I remember him as the cross-country champion at College. So when we met again in Seremban many, many years later, I was surprised to see a rather portly Harun who didn't look at all like a cross-country champion. But meeting Khamis later, I saw the gene's similiarity.
Like Khamis, Harun was also an avid golfer. Having played with both brothers over the years, Khamis is probably a slightly better player. But Harun was no mean player himself. He had a power-fade drive which he used deliberately. The late Dr. Yokan was a famous victim in SIGC. When SIGC was closed for several months because of the tussle between the State government and the club, Harun and Dr. Yokan played all their golf at Staffield or Nilai ( can't remember which one, maybe both) and according to Harun he cleaned the doctor up. I believed him.
The last time we met was maybe one year ago, when Khamis visited his brother, and called me to join them for tea at a Paroi Jaya restaurant. Harun looked ok then. He was always in well-pressed clothes everytime we met, if he wasn't in his golf garb. Even when playing golf, he always dressed well, and even had his money (for betting) neatly folded in his wallet. I knew because he showed me. "Yokan's money" he grinned.
I'd met Harun at the club some time before that and asked when he was coming back to play. At that time we all knew he had not come to the club for a long time. "I'll come back soon" he said. He never did.
Harun was with the government before he resigned and joined the private sector. I don't think it all ended well for him, but let's not cast any negativity here. Let's give due respect to the memory of an old friend.
Khamis is a lot like Harun. Seeing Khamis will remind me of Harun. My prayers for Harun Awal. Amin.
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