Just 18 days after the Mahathir bombshell of 24 February, we hear the increasing growls and barks of the dogs from the UMNO kennels. Zahid, Azlina, Annuar, Matasan, and Tajuddin and other lesser-known but equally loud and frustrated kennel-dwellers are asking to look at the Party numbers in the new Cabinet. With 39, UMNO says it has the biggest and must therefore get the biggest portion also. It thinks.
One day after the Cabinet appointment Anwuar suggests the dissolution of Parliament. Zahid is of course angry at being discarded. He forgets about his court case. But Matasan threatening the Party's break up ? He's just plain angry at being ignored after the cybertroopers had suggested that he be the DPM! He forgets that he's not an MP. He also forgets this is Muhyiddin, the ex Deputy President of UMNO he had publicly ridiculed and asked to resign in the Party's run up some years ago, a man who had been in politics when Matasan was still studying. I don't think Muhyiddin has forgotten.
Hey, boys and girls ! PN was created to garner enough votes to oust the incumbent PH Government. Muhyiddin and Bersatu were the most vital parts of the scheme. UMNO and PAS lost the GE ! They have nothing to go on. Muhyiddin ditching PH was the key. He's the PM now. He decides. If PN doesn't want him, or abondons him, PH comes back to power, and the UMNO dogs can growl and bark all they want outside the gates. As the Malay saying goes " a dog's bark doesn't bring down the hill"!
The Old Fox had recently remarked that Najib could have been the mastermind behind the whole thing. Elswhere he had also said all his supporters have joined the PM, and he can't fight it out in Patliament now. He has also softened his initial bitter criticism of Muhyiddin. In the mean time, Wan Azizah had blurted out that Anwar leads PH now and would be PM if they win Parliamentry voting in May. There goes the Mahathir support group, both in PH and PN. What have they got now ? PKR 39, DAP 42, Amanah 11 - 92. That's 20 short of a simple majority. With Mahathir on their side, Azmin's 11, Warisan's 8 and the 6 Bersatu still with him would have done the trick with 5 to spare !
So, I don't know whose Grand Scheme it was in February. I smell a rat. Appearance certainly is deceiving. It's Corvid 19 for Malaysian politics ! Put on your masks ! Not to avoid the germs. To hide your identity !
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