Sunday, August 6, 2017

Wafa, Muaz & Miqdad.

Monday August 7, 2017.

Today is the first day of "play-school" for my daughter's 3-year-old daughter and her 2-year-old twin boys. It's at the neighbourhood's "Mindaku" nursery & kindergarten. For 5 days each week they'll be there from 7.30 to 5.30. It'll cost 1,240 monthly, not cheap, but seems to be the standard fee, and this includes food and drinks and full day-care.

The 3 have been a handful, for parents, grandparents and 1 full-time servant. The house has been a mess since they could walk, as you can imagine. All, and I mean all the walls inside the house have become canvas for the budding artists. Right now they're at the modern art stage.  We've lost count of the broken cups and table decorations. 

This play-school seems to be a practical arrangement, but only time will tell. The older girl seems to take it all calmly just now,  but the twins are screaming their heads off. The old house will get a respite, the tots at school most of the day, and peace should reign. The twelve hundred seems reasonable.


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