Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Husayn the Eighth


Just two days after Arish the Seventh, Husayn the Eighth came to this world. And at 3.8 kg, he seems to fit the great name he now carries. His elder brother, Ali the Fifth, was born, also on a Monday, 1 year, 4 months and 8 days ago. He was a full kg lighter !

We made it to Pantai Medical Centre when Lula was in labour with Ali. This time we only made it one full day after Husayn was born. This time Wafa is with us, and this morning she had to go for one of those shots at the clinic, and only then could we go to the Prince Court Medical Centre to see mother and new-born. 

Husayn looks well, with No. 3 Son's features and Idah's complexion. He's a long one, too, at 50+ cm. If he takes after my late father-in-law, he'll be a tall Malay.

As you can see, the seventh and eighth grandchildren are the latest addition to the clan, coming almost together. And Dekna is, God Willing, eight months from producing grandchild number 10 !

No.2 Son prefers the letter "A" for his children. No.3 Son looks to Islamic history. Ali was the Holy Prophet's cousin and s-i-l. Husayn was Ali's son. The Holy Prophet  encouraged Muslims to give their children good names, and in fact changed the "bad" names of a number of Companions. A hadis says "if you have 3 boys, name one after me". That's why No. 3 Son starts with "Ahmad".

I pray that Husayn will receive the "barakah" of his namesake. Amin.


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