Tuesday, June 24, 2014

The old man and his legacy.


Looks like the old man is the only one with the balls to call out on  royalty. Whatever deficiency our local brand of government suffers, listening to its detractors, the rule of law is clear about political power - win an election or shut up.

His No. 3 predecessor picked him to be his deputy, but he took much longer than usual in making that choice. He said  "I hope I have nade the right choice". It wasn't a joyful day. There were more favoured sons. Certainly he regretted it after he left, because eventually he turned away from the old Party altogether in disgust. That's on record. 

No. 6 had better start showing some "chutzpah", to use the Jewish slang, or risks being "chutney", to use the Indian one.

I cry for old, bold days of summer. But then we have one eternal summer here to simmer in.

I'm thankful for the old man and his legacy.


1 comment:

kaykuala said...

Dear Zam,
It is not so much reputation that is at stake but the revelation that things aren't going the way it should be is very much apparent. Hoping salvation is not too late in coming!
