Friday, August 2, 2013

Ros - 24 Ramadan 1434


Ros, Kak Mah's second daughter, passed away early this morning, at home in Rawang. But the wife decided to tell me only after I woke up from my morning nap after Subuh prayers. In fact she was dressing up to wait for her brother to pick her up to go to Rawang, without me. She assumed I wouldn't want to go. Bad assumption. In the end everybody came in my car.

We reached the mosque just as the muezzin called for the solat Jumaat. The prayers for the jenazah was after that. I made sure I stood right before the covered shroud. That was my last visit of respect for Ros.

She only came to my house just once when we were still in PJ. How she found my house, only God knows. But that was the first and last time. 

Some weeks ago I heard she came to Seremban and went to a few relatives' houses, but not ours.

She was just 60. Too young.

It wasn't a good life by my reckoning, and the reasons are  too sad to recount. It doesn't matter now, and I pray she's at peace. 

I just spoke to her nephew, Bot, on the mobile, suggesting a tahlil be held tomorrow night at the surau here, but he couldn't decide.  It's the least I could do.


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