Saturday, July 24, 2010



It's been a frantic and worrisome week for my No. 2 Son & spouse, and equally so for me & the wife, with Arsyad, our eldest grandson, committed to the ICU at SDMC Subang Jaya Tuesday for pneumonia. It was only Thursday when the danger passed and he was moved to the normal ward. 

Idah  kept telling her friends and relatives who called that our grandson was having a serious case of asmathic attack, until I corrected her, and described the seriousness of pneumonia compared to asthma. 

I was particularly touched by the sms on Wednesday at dawn that our son sent  about his sadness and grave concern for Arsyad's condition and his weakness in fighting the infection.  So we rushed back to the hospital from Seremban. 

Lately my wife has been telling those around her who would listen how clever Arsyad has become since he started kindergarten this year. He's such a good speller ! So the first time we got to his hospital bed Tuesday evening she cried quietly as she stroked his hair, lying gravely sick with the tubes in his nose and arm and finger. I just stood and watched, my heart heavy with grief. 

Since then we have been at the hospital daily except Thursday when he had improved and I fasted puasa sunat Syaaban.  When Tiong Meng called, having found out earlier, I couldn't control the  sob in my throat. I don't know what religion he practices, but I said please pray for my grandson. He'll be 5 next month.

This afternoon we didn't visit because of various social committments in Seremban. But  Arsyad has improved tremendously except for the lingering slight temperature. But my son said that he'll probably get discharged tomorrow.   I said stay on if he's not fully recovered.

This will cost him a bundle, SDMC being private and all that. Fortunately there's the insurance Ija has so wisely invested in. Still, at times like these, costs seem hardly relevant. 

Get well, my dear grandson ! We love you.



Adik said...

Arsyad said Cheers Grand Papa!! a.k.a Atok!!

kaykuala said...

Dear Zam,
Syukur Alhamdulillah. By the looks of things little Arsyad is ok now. We are the ones more affected when our cucu gets sick. I know how u feel.

We draw back on how and what we experienced before to get the best care for them.

So its ok now, little Arsyad already wished u well also. He said 'Cheers' didn't he. U take care of urself too u hear?

Rgds to Puan Faridah n everyone at home from Shadah n me.
kaykuala aka Hank

norzah said...

Zam, sorry to hear about cunda Arsyad but happy to know that he has recovered. Selamat menyambut bulan Puasa dan salam kepada seisi keluarga.