MUBARAK Pahang was the host for its sixth AGM in Kuantan, and appropriately the sixth PM graced the occasion, as was also the fourth and longest serving PM. The fifth and shortest serving PM was absent. Seeing how he publicly rebuked MUBARAK as a group of pensioners who have nothing ( " oghang pencen, tak da apa-apa....") I suspect the organizing committee deliberately ignored him. A good thing.
The grand dinner started a bit late. It would have been even later if this fellow were to come, knowing his tardy habits.
The morning session went smoothly, except, of course, the adjournement speeches. I left for lunch before they ended.
The accomodations could be greatly improved next year we're in Johore. I said so to one of the VP's and the Supreme Council member fro NS.
Otherwise the two days were well spent.
The climax of this year' gathering to me was the second day's session with the fourth PM.
The Pahang Foundation's complex at Tanjung Lumpur has several seminar rooms, but the one chosen could seat about 500, I think. By the time the protagonists arrived at 10 a.m. the seats were mostly filled, although several people chose to stand in the rear. We ended at about 1.20 p.m. and that because the rapporteur decided it was time.
Mahathir gave a short introductory speech which was followed by a longer and lively q & a session. The most impressive q was from a 13-year old tudung-clad Malay student who picked the PBIPSM issue in excellent English grammar and intonation.
The gist of the 3 plus-hour session were as follows:
UMNO has to get rid of corrupt leaders and corrupt practices before the next GE.
UMNO has to show the people all over again that it's fighting for race, religion and country.
The 5th. PM's weaknesses caused all the problems that UMNO as the ruling party now suffers.
Anwar is UMNO's enemy and UMNO leaders shouldn't be scared to confront him.
Lee Kwan Yew's visit was remarkable in that everybody seemed to have given him respect like a head of state, when he's not, and his motives were suspect. Mahathir was not even given proper protocol when officially visiting Singapore as an incumbent PM.
There is an attempt by the US to create a "new order" in the world, where US values and interests would rule, as happenning in Iraq, Afghanistan, Ukraine and other countries where the US is poking its fingers in.
Mahathir also cheekily added that he was responsible for speeding up the appointment of both father and son as PMs. When he circulated that infamous letter after the Alliance's 1969 debacle, Tunku resigned and Tun Razak took over. When he led public criticism of the 5th. PM, the bugger also resigned, and Najib took over.
The Pahang MB who was present should have taken note of the contents of the session. He could spread the word.
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