Thursday, April 2, 2009

April 3, 2009. 10.30 a.m.


Let's remember the date. It's the day the son of the 2nd.PM became the 6th. PM. It's the day the wife of a PM became the mother of a PM. It's the day the 5th. PM finally left. Don't worry. It's not an April Fool gag. 

Let's face it. This wasn't what Dollah wanted, and he said so himself when last meeting the press. It's remarkable that he chose to mention his lack of punctuality as his main weakness. Well, to quote him when saying Mahathir was all about the bridge and the rest an elaboration, this notoriety about unpunctuality is all about Dollah and the rest is an elaboration.

There was even a naughty suggestion from the press that Dollah might write, now that he's retired. This would indeed be a much awaited event. Only don't hold your breath, folks. His maiden piece of prose might take a little while, since he'll have to gather his thoughts, and right now his thoughts-closet seems empty and bare.

The entire five painful years of Dollah has been one gigantic missed opportunity. Here was a guy who had the job thrust upon him through no effort of his, along with a long period of economic and political build up, again with no obvious contribution from him, and what did he do ? He made a complete mess of it. Don't believe the empty, gratuitous platitudes his party members will now pour on him. Just look at the weak attempts at weak speeches, incoherent decision-making, and the incredible flip-flops available on public records since becoming PM. Believe those. The most up-beat thing right now for the new chap ? There is nowhere to go but up ! 


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