Saturday, December 27, 2008

Time marches on.

Saturday, 27th. December 2008 / 29th. Zulhijjah 1429.

Zulhijjah, like December of the Common Era, is the last month of the Islamic Calendar. In a day's time it'll be Awal Muharram of the 1430 Hijriah, and a couple of days later the New Year 2009 CE. Muharram will be followed by Safar, Rabiulawal, Rabiulakhir, Jamadilawal, Jamadilakhir, Rejab, Sya'ban, Ramadan, Syawal, Zulka'edah and back to Zulhijjah. To-morrow night Ustaz Ayob will lead the end-of-the-year and beginning-of-the-year supplications.

Sadly, while playing golf to-day I received news of the passing of the Yam Tuan.

I remember being summoned to the Istana Hinggap around 1977-78. HH wanted to know if two elderly Minangkabau gentlemen could be taken in as Felda settlers. They couldn't because of their ages. I remember also playing golf in front of him some years later and was about to tee-off on cross-over at the 10th. tee. His flight came up behind us, so I approached him and invited him to overtake our flight. He politely and like a true golfer declined. Which is more than I can say for the Club Captain. He always demands that he be given precedence.

Unlike other monarchies in Malaya, the four Undangs will now have to choose the next Yam Tuan. The odds are with Tunku Mukhriz ibni Tunku Munawir.

Dekna had returned to Shah Alam this morning. Her final semester starts Tuesday. I only managed to wake her up before leaving the house at 6.45  to remind her to give her best shot for this final stretch at university.

The neighbour invited us for luncheon in celebration of his daughter's betrothal. I just made it at 12.30, the appointed hour, still in my golfing attire. Good lunch. The neighbour is our diplomat in Argentina, and returned from half-way around the world just for this occasion. The bride-to-be is with the Bar Council.

My wife was in Linggi with Imar, the tailor, attending one of the dozens of weddings everybody is squeezing into the remaining days of the last school holidays for the year. So I was all alone in the house until about 7 p.m.

So, it's back to square one in the new year.

Time marches on. Happy New Year.


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