Thursday, July 25, 2024

Let there be more Golf Tours.

 Fri 26.7.2024

What's all this commotion about the PGA vs LIV Golf tours ? Aren't there many more tours worldwide ? The European Tour, the Safari Tour, the Asian, Japanese, Korean, Indonesian and whateverelse tours? Like they say (or is it "as they say"), the more the merrier.

Vijay struggled early with the Asian tour, and even got caught up with that cheating story (strongly denied), before going on to the Safari, and subsequently the European tour. He earned his place on the PGA tour, eventually. Until LIV came, that was every golfer's aspiration - to earn a place on the PGA Tour. Nobody made a fuss. Vijay even became the No. 1 Golfer in the world for a brief period, but that was right at the start of Tiger's rule, so it was no small achievement.

The appearance of the Saudi Arabian backed LIV tour was different. Friends became enemies.

Greg Norman didn't help with his attitude, lording over the whole mess. Obviously he had axes to grind.

That's what happens when big golf personalities, with bigger egos, and unknown quantum of  limitless money, clash.

The enemy spokesmen couldn't have been better chosen. Norman and Mickleson vs Tiger. No love lost there. The coloured star kicked sand into their white faces.  That cannot be allowed to go unscathed. When the Arabs opened their bottomless treasure-chest, the means for battle became available.

This is what money does - the more the better (or worse - depends on which side you stand). These people are no Arab lovers. Or Muslim supporters. But money takes care of these issues. The more money the better. Or worse.

For golfers and golf lovers, I say, let there be more Tours. LIV or Dead.  


Thursday, July 11, 2024

Adat Beradat.

 Fri 12.7.2024.

The last Undang Rembau passed away on 15.5.2024. The pandora box  reopened. The choice of leaders had meant tribal wars when the Adat Perpatih was founded 400 years ago. Now it looks like the "Rembau war" has started, looking for the new Undang, just the way it started in the beginning. 

Fist fights have begun. More and maybe more serious fights are going to happen. I don't think the Judiciary can do anything here. The "Peruts" and the "Anak Buah" must come to an agreement, forced or whatever. The Undang gets so much more money and other worldly perks nowadays, nobody is going to take this lying down.

The incredible confusion is understandable when there is no written authority to preside over the whole mess. That should have been done 100 years ago.

How can you arrive at justice and fairplay when history is fraught with fiction and the living players have vested interest in the outcome ?

To begin with, there are 27 "Sukus" under  23 "Datuk Lembaga", with 92 "Peruts".

But the "Undang" comes from, by turn, either Datuk Lela Maharaja, or Datuk Sedia Raja, both not from among the 23 mentioned. So in fact you have 25 Datuk Lembaga.

The 2 Sukus within those 2 Datuk Lembaga are Biduanda Jakun and Biduanda Jawa. Perhaps their names explain the commotion taking place now - the "Wak" fighting the "Orang Asli".

The MPS technician who became the last Undang was also challanged initially. But the MB wisely quickly made it official by commencing the official stipend payment, and whatever lingering  protests remaining then just died naturally.

The Undangs are potent in NS. They elect the Yam Tuan. So the Rembau war unfolding merits watching.
