Tues 25.4.2023
With a sigh of relief we cleared the last scrap of litter from our family Raya gathering last night at close to midnight. The 3rd day of Eid il fitri, for many years, has been our family Raya day, here in Seremban. And as if there is a tacit agreement among us, the immediate kinsmen have accommodated the date in their own Raya celebrations.
It was a near miss, though. I'd already mentioned the date to my own family, and the assent was almost automatic. My own siblings were quickly contacted and informed, and almost all immediately confirmed attending.
Satay was the immediate order, because Wak the seller needed notice to purchase the "perut lembu", my favourite. This item is not always available because it's normally discarded.
Then out of the blue Idah said to cancel this year's gathering because Mizi wants to have his "aqiqah" on the same day. I said no way. I'd even already informed Ari, the father, about the gathering, and he said ok and made no mention of the aqiqah. "Discuss lah, first" Idah retorted. I said I already told you, and I'd already told my siblings. I won't change the date. I'd order the food if you insist on going to Mizi's.
I don't know what followed on Idah's side, but as I made further preparations with the children, she relented and joined the discussion. I made no inquiry about Mizi's aqiqah, but Mizi and Ari and their family members all came to our do in the end.
For the first time, though, Idah didn't cook any of the dishes served. Din visited, and knowing our plans, suggested we order from Ani's step-daughter, because for a few years now she'd been doing some catering. Din gave the number, I called, and that was that.
Memi was very much into the preparations, insisting on several things like large cooler fans, extra tables and additional menus, and taking direct action on them. In the end he took care of the entire expense.
Ari said the "mee curry" was not the same as Idah's. Other than that remark, I heard no complains about the food. By the time the last guest left at about 10 pm (the start was 10 am), the tables were completely cleaned.
These were siblings and first cousins, and Idah got the receiving end of their generosity. Her two side pockets were stuffed with envelopes with cash. I received maybe 20 % of what Idah got, and I counted mine at 430. That means Idah possibly got more than 2K.
The important thing was this was a success. With the years that rolled by, this must be cherished. As a reminder of life's reality, sadly, our immediate neighbour was mourning its tragic loss of a family member. Mansor Ahmad, 68, succumbed to several grave internal complications at the hospital on the Raya day itself. We all paid our respects at the house, and last night I joined the "tahlil" held there.
I dozed in front of the tv while waiting for the refilling of the attic water tanks to complete. I have 75 gallons of water in the attic for use in the 2 toilets. Because of the gathering, the storage usage was much higher than normal, while the intake remained small. In a short time the tank's hold had been drained. I had to bring a hose from the direct kitchen supply onto the ceiling tank, and started refilling. I know it takes about 2 hours to fill up the 75-gallon tanks. That's why I sat at the tv to wait. With all the days' activity, I simply dozed off. Until shouts of " water. water, overflow!".
Actually it was the overflow pipe pouring it on to the kitchen roof. I got to the ladder and removed the hose, closed up the ceiling opening and happily retired.
The 78th Raya Puasa celebration was a success. Except for my sister Ati, all the siblings on both my side and Idah's made it, from as far as Kg. Soi, Kuantan, East, to Antara Gapi, North, to Paya Besar, Segamat, South, and of course nearer here, Bangi, Bahau and around the Seremban area. A number of first cousins and other offsprings also made it, from as far as the United Kingdom, and nearer home Singapore and Terengganu. Ibrahim and Aziz, my 2 surviving besans also came. In the course of answering the numerous phone calls in the last few days, 4 old friends were roped in - Jayos, Hank, Maulud and Durai.
When I met Rashid, my front neighbour, at Mansor's tahlil, I thanked him for allowing some of my visitors to park their vehicles right inside his house compound, and he wasn't even invited. He understood.